
Eighth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (USA)

Eighth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (USA)

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in the United States held its eighth national convention from August 4 to 9, 2024. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the convention was held online.

The Congress unanimously adopted two resolutions: “The 2024 US elections and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party,” which explains the programmatic foundations of the SEP’s presidential campaign with Joseph Kishore and Jerry White, and “Freedom for Bogdan Syrotiuk!” These resolutions were the subject of extensive and detailed discussions by the delegates during the six days of the Congress.

The Congress was an international event, with numerous delegations from all sections and sympathizer groups of the International Committee of the Fourth International. Leading members of the ICFI from Great Britain, France, Germany, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Brazil brought greetings to the Congress.

David North was unanimously re-elected as the party’s national chairman by the congress delegates. The newly elected National Committee re-elected Joseph Kishore as the party’s national secretary.

Kathleen Martin was elected deputy party secretary. Lawrence Porter, who has served as deputy party secretary since the SEP’s founding convention in 2008, announced his resignation from that post and will remain in the party leadership. Martin, 32, joined the SEP in 2014 and has been a member of the SEP National Committee since 2018.

The new National Committee appointed three co-national editors of the World Socialist Website: Barry Grey, Andre Damon and Niles Niemuth.

At the opening of the Congress, David North paid tribute to Helen Halyard, a long-time leading member of the Socialist Equality Party and its predecessor organization, the Workers League, who passed away on November 23, 2023, at the age of 73. Comrade Helen was a member of the National Committee of the Workers League/SEP from 1973 until her death.

“Helen played an important role not only in the history of the Workers League and the Socialist Equality Party, but also in that of the International Committee of the Fourth International,” North said. “Her contribution is embedded in the foundations of our world party. Although Helen is no longer physically with us, everything she contributed to the party lives on.”

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