
By when should you take down Christmas decorations? Survey of the week

By when should you take down Christmas decorations? Survey of the week

Yahoo UK’s weekly poll lets you vote and give your opinion on one of the week’s hot topics. The poll closes after 72 hours. Every Friday we publish and analyse the results, giving readers a chance to see how polarising a topic has become and whether their opinion aligns with other Yahoo UK readers.

Variety of colorful Christmas balls in a box. Decorate the Christmas tree. Celebrate Christmas at home.Variety of colorful Christmas balls in a box. Decorate the Christmas tree. Celebrate Christmas at home.

Taking down Christmas decorations signals the end of the holiday season. (Getty Images)

Christmas is now well and truly behind us and it’s time to take down the tree and decorations. But exactly when you take them down can be a very personal matter – some people might take them down right after Christmas, while others leave them up longer.

There is no “right” time to take down the decorations, but traditionally it happens 12 nights after Christmas, known as Epiphany Night or Epiphany Eve. This is considered the end of the holiday.

Officially, this day falls on January 5 or 6, 2024, depending on whether Christmas is counted as the first day or not. Some people may be tempted to leave the lights up even longer, although this is generally considered an “unlucky day.”

No matter which camp you belong to, let us know when you think you should take down your Christmas decorations.

This poll is now closed. Check back on Friday for results and analysis.

Read more from Yahoo UK’s Poll of the week Article

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