
Sabino Canyon celebrates Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday

Sabino Canyon celebrates Smokey Bear’s 80th birthday

TUCSON, Ariz. (KGUN) – Smokey Bear – a mascot inspired by the true story of a black bear rescued from the top of a tree after a forest fire in New Mexico – has become a national symbol for wildfire protection in America.

On August 9, a US Forest Service figure inspired by the bear turned 80 years old.

The next day, the Sabino Canyon Visitor Center hosted a party that brought adults and their children from all over Tucson to celebrate the mascot’s 80th birthday.

Amanda Adams, partnership coordinator for the Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado Nation Forest, says it’s important to start teaching early.

“The sooner you instill these ideals in our children,” she said, “the more likely they are to remain faithful to them.”

She says Smokey’s story stays with them.

“They’re really sad about this little bear who lost his home and his playground and got hurt,” she said. “It really touches the kids. They’re empathetic and want to help protect other wildlife and other bears.”

Fortunately, according to Adams, this year is actually looking better than in the past in terms of fires. The Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management has recorded 1,659 wildfires in the state in 2023. Those fires burned 176,939 acres of land.

The Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest is “unusually quiet.”

“Our monsoon rains came earlier than expected and were fairly consistent,” Adams said. “They kept everything greener overall. That helped keep us from having as many fires.”

She warns that there are four main causes of accidental fires in southern Arizona.

1. Dragging a chain behind a vehicle

The friction between the road and the chain creates sparks.

2. Park the car on dry grass or

The catalytic converter of a car could still be hot and set the dried plants on fire, which spreads quickly.

3. Not extinguishing the campfire properly

Adams recommends using a shovel and water to prevent the spread of sparks.

4. Throw cigarettes on the ground.

Alex Dowd is a multimedia journalist at KGUN 9, where she combines her two favorite hobbies: talking to new people and getting to know the community around her. Her goal is to eventually get to know every single person in Tucson. Share your story ideas with Alex via email, [email protected]or a connection via Instagram or X.

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