
So love celebrates friendship and sings of its virtues with “Birthday Song”

So love celebrates friendship and sings of its virtues with “Birthday Song”

Vermont’s musical torch continues to be passed from one strong act to the next – and now it’s being carried by Brattleboro’s own So loveThe band, which appeared on the scene two years ago with their debut album “The Last Man”, monumentshared “Birthday Song” on Wednesday (August 7). It is the first glimpse of her second album, All pleasurewill be released on November 1st by Captured Tracks.

Singer Echo Mars shines on this track, her smooth voice opening with one of life’s biggest questions: “Do you believe in love?” But this is no ordinary romantic love song – it’s an ode to friendship. Mars sings of all the ways love manifests itself in life, for better or for worse, while a raucous guitar in the background provides structural balance.

“‘Birthday Song’ is a simple song about friendship and how sometimes we don’t give these platonic relationships the respect and care they need to thrive,” Mars says. “We don’t have the same language as we do for romantic partnerships, but I think these relationships are just as important in making us feel safe, secure and validated. When it came time to choose the first single, ‘Birthday Song’ seemed like the perfect way to introduce the new version of Thus Love.”

To accompany the single, Thus Love released a music video directed by Augie Voss and Benni Shumlin, in which the band appears alongside Stella the owl, who is the guest of honor at a dinner party on the farm.

Check it out below.

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