
Woman outraged as her sister plans gender reveal at home on her 21st birthday

Woman outraged as her sister plans gender reveal at home on her 21st birthday

A woman was angry because her sister tried to plan a gender reveal on her 21st birthday.

“I originally wasn’t going to post anything on this subreddit because I didn’t feel like I was in the wrong, but another family member makes me feel like I am,” the frustrated birthday girl wrote on Reddit’s popular confession forum, “Am I The A**hole.”

She began by explaining that she lives in a different state than her family and has only visited them twice in the last eight months.

However, her 21st birthday is coming up soon. She and her friend had originally planned a trip to Disneyland, thinking she would meet her mother and older sister in Las Vegas.

“Plans have changed since I found out my sister (30F) is pregnant since she can’t fly,” the Redditor confessed. “My mom is now flying my roommate and I home for my birthday.”

She added: “After I booked the flights, she told me to talk to my sister as she wanted to go to a restaurant we had been to before. For MY birthday.”

In advance of the trip, the older sister talked to her sister and asked which days she would be home so she could plan the gender reveal during that time. Her sister’s idea was to have the announcement on her birthday.

“I ask her if she’s trying to plan her gender reveal on my birthday and she tells me that’s the only day everyone fits,” the Reddit user admitted. “Everyone is 14+. I tell her I won’t go if she decides to do it.”

The original poster’s sister asks why she’s upset. Without thinking she needs to explain herself, the Reddit user simply said “No.” Her sister didn’t accept her refusal. She wrote her a reply message: “Are you sure, because that’s the only day out of those 4 that works with everyone else’s schedule. Otherwise, if you don’t go on Sunday, we’ll do Saturday the 31st.”

“‘This Sunday’ is my birthday,” the Redditor clarified. “She doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with the whole situation and I’m really at a loss for words. Can you please help me, Aitah??”

To the Reddit user’s relief, many readers validated her feelings and said she had every right to wish only her on her 21st birthday.

One passionate supporter commented: “Good answer. Also fair, to the point and not disrespectful. Also, the gender reveal is stupid and embarrassing.”

“Also, OP has already changed her plans to accommodate her sister,” noted a second. “Original plan was Disneyland and then meeting mom and sister in Las Vegas. Plan changed because sister can’t fly. OP has already given up on what sounded like an amazing 21st birthday trip.”

One harsh reader commented: “Your sister is very standoffish and self-centered.”

“She can have a gender reveal party on any other day,” noted a fourth.

One detractor wrote, “It seems like you’re interpreting this as her trying to steal your birthday attention rather than trying to find a date/time that works for everyone. I would have been happy if my sister had tried to include me in an event for my future niece/nephew.”

In a follow-up post, the original author admitted to apologizing to her sister and thanked her supporters for understanding her birthday wishes.

“I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I just really wanted to celebrate one last big birthday with family and friends without having to share my spotlight,” she noted. “I understand that this may seem self-centered, but unfortunately that’s just how I feel.”

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