
Kelvin and Liz Fletcher’s everyday truths

Kelvin and Liz Fletcher’s everyday truths

The Fletchers’ Family Farm stars live in the Peak District with their children Marnie, Milo and two-year-old twins Mateusz and Maximus. We spoke to them about the chores they hate and Kelvin’s love of storage solutions.

What is the first thing you do when you walk through the door?

KELVIN: Shoes off and jackets on hangers that we can’t reach because the person who lived here before was much bigger than us.
LIZ: Follow a trail of messes made by children!

Where is your happy place?

L: The kitchen, when it’s quiet and tidy and I’m drinking a cup of tea alone. But it’s also my comfort zone when everyone is there and there’s a lot going on.

Any household goods addictions?

K: Storage solutions. I was at B&Q this morning and almost bought more
huge plastic boxes. I like to be organized!
L: Candles and vases, you can never have enough of them. We also have plenty of pegboards!

Kelvin and Liz Fletcher in front of hay

(Photo credit: Steve Morgan)

Do you have a bad habit at home that you would like to break?

L: I want Kelvin to stop putting his plate on the dishwasher and just put it in the dishwasher!

Which store do you prefer to buy household goods from?

K: Arighi Bianchi, a fifth generation furniture shop in Macclesfield. It’s in an old listed factory and sells quality homewares. I also love John Lewis. It feels British and classic.
L: When I was pregnant, I would go to Housing Units department store in Oldham for lunch almost every day because I was addicted to the ham sandwiches there, and I always ended up buying something for the house!

Are you good hosts?

K: Nobody comes here and pays for something to take away.
L: I find that Sunday roasts are the easiest meal for me to make but nothing else. People are shocked to be served one every time they come round!

What do you do when you have time alone at home?

L: The work on the farm never stops, so there is always something to do. We pack four full-time jobs into one day – being parents, running a farm, being an actor and
whatever else is on the list. You never really have a moment to be still.
K: We have an open fire outside on the terrace and when the children went to bed we used to sit there with a glass of wine or a hot chocolate and throw logs on it. It was lovely.

On the hot seat

  • Shoes on or off? Out of.
  • Eating at the table or on your lap? At the table.
  • Lighting – bright or atmospheric? Moody.
  • Quick shower or long bath? M Quick shower. K Long shower.
  • Colorful or neutral? M Nice and neutral. Earthy.
  • Orderly or creative chaos? M Creative chaos. K Neat monster!
  • Music, TV or peace and quiet? M When the children are in bed, peace and quiet

Visit Kelvin supports the Mind Your Head campaign to raise awareness of the challenges facing UK farmers and the impact on their mental health.

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