
New ‘random noise’ technique could help weight loss by reducing cravings and emotional eating, scientists say

New ‘random noise’ technique could help weight loss by reducing cravings and emotional eating, scientists say

Pestering the brain with “random noise” could suppress cravings and stop emotional eatingsay scientists.

One study found that applying electrical brain stimulation for 20 minutes a day reduced appetite, desire to eat and hunger by six-fold for two weeks.

A study suggests that a “brain-destroying intoxication therapy” could help with weight loss


A study suggests that a “brain-destroying intoxication therapy” could help with weight lossPhoto credit: KOREA ELECTROTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (KERI)
Scientists investigate electrical stimulation of the brain to suppress appetite


Scientists investigate electrical stimulation of the brain to suppress appetitePhoto credit: KOREA ELECTROTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (KERI)

The therapy is called transcranial noise stimulation (tRNS) and works via simple skull caps. It has already been shown to alleviate depression.

Scientists at the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute said the therapy could be more effective and safer than conventional weight-loss drugs.

Study author Dr Ki-young Shin said: “If this electrical stimulation device comes to market with far fewer side effects than existing obesity treatments and can be used at home rather than in the hospital, it will provide an easy and simple method for daily appetite suppression.”

“Especially when people are under stress or in trouble, many people eat due to emotional hunger.

“And when digital health technology is introduced that combines electrical stimulation treatment and exercise therapy, it will increase weight loss and help people manage their health more effectively.”

An estimated 64 percent of British adults are now overweight, with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more.

Of these, about 28 percent are obese (BMI 30 or more).

Doctors are trying everything to reduce these numbers because being overweight increases the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and some types of cancer.

This study included 60 participants, half of whom received the actual therapy and the other half received a placebo.

They received six 20-minute sessions of electrical stimulation over two weeks, each two to three days apart.

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The results showed that tRNS effectively reduced appetite, willingness to eat and hunger in the treatment group compared to the placebo group.

The researchers also found that tRNS can help treat emotional eating.

The tendency to eat to process or relieve emotions such as stress, depression, anxiety and joy was significantly reduced, the authors said.

They believe they achieved these results because the electrical device stimulates the cerebral cortex via the scalp, which is partly responsible for reward and motivation related to appetite and satiety.

Since the study only lasted two weeks, a long-term weight loss effect could not be confirmed.

However, experts hope to investigate this soon, as existing obesity treatments carry several potential side effects when taken long-term.

How to lose weight safely

Losing weight should not be a drastic measure, but a long-term decision for a healthier lifestyle.

NHS tips that can be slowly adopted include:

  • Be active for 150 minutes per week – you can break this down into shorter sessions
  • Try to eat your 5 a day – 80g of fresh, canned or frozen fruit or vegetables counts as 1 serving
  • The goal is to lose 0.5 to 1 kg per week.
  • Read food labels – products that are greener than yellow and red are often a healthier option.
  • Replace sugary drinks with water – if you don’t like the taste, add lemon or lime slices for more flavor
  • Reduce your consumption of foods high in sugar and fat – start by replacing sugary cereals with whole grain alternatives
  • Share your weight loss plan with someone you trust – this person can motivate you when you are having a bad day.

Read more about:

  • The five basics of fat burning
  • The calorie formula for losing weight
  • The perfect portion sizes for weight loss meals
  • Sun Health’s 8-week weight loss starter plan

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