
Peter Krause’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for August 12, 2024

Peter Krause’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for August 12, 2024

BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Peter Krause was born on this day in 1965 in Alexandria, Minnesota. This birthday star received three Emmy nominations for his role as Nate Fisher in “Six Feet Under.” Since 2018, he has played Bobby Nash in “9-1-1.” He also played Adam Braverman in “Parenthood” and Benjamin Jones in “The Catch.” On the big screen, Krause’s film resume includes roles in “Saint Judy,” “Night Owls” and “The Truman Show.”

LION (July 23-August 22): You may find yourself moving away from a helpful support system. Take the time to stay in touch with friends who know and understand you. Spending time together could revitalize your ideas and give everyone the strength to keep moving forward.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Staying away from fiction will help you avoid unnecessary friction. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, face the situation head on. Expressing your agreement and forming a united front can prove to be a great asset.

SCALE (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Regardless of your abilities, many things may require observation from different perspectives. Look for partners who share your vision and want to help you. Wonderful opportunities may arise in your inner circle.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your professional skills may shine, but be careful about being frivolous with your interpersonal skills. Try to avoid giving the wrong impression by getting into arguments. Flattery and admiration could easily go to your head.

PROTECT (November 22-December 21): A small slip-up could move things in the right direction because it gives everyone a chance to talk things through. Your common sense could help a loved one feel more secure in the face of unfair judgments.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): The decisions you have to make can be difficult, but you should have the skills and vision to recognize the best options. Listen to your inner voice of wisdom to see your creative ideas blossom, and you can reap the rewards you deserve.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18): Your enthusiasm could open up better opportunities for advancement and promotion. Be ready to recognize the efforts and contributions of others. Your input could help achieve a better outcome.

FISH (February 19-March 20): If you take the noblest path, you may get to your goal faster. Remain generous and trusting, even if others don’t seem to be responding as you hoped. The trivial problems that worry you may have equally simple solutions.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19): Aesop’s fable teaches us that persistence and slowness win the race. This may not be the time for risky leaps or sharp answers, so take it easy and rely on what’s tried and tested. Overconfidence or more promises than you can keep could backfire.

BULL (April 20-May 20): Keep your balance. Grand gestures and kindness may satisfy your soul, but be smart about the details and cautious about spending money. Even small improvements, like getting a good deal or negotiating a discount, can make a big difference.

TWINS (May 21-June 20): Your optimism may keep you from seeing the worst in people, but it can make you a little careless about the details. This may not be the time to plunge headlong into an activity or new project without first asking for wise guidance.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): You may be at your best when you act in harmony with a sympathetic partner. This person’s practical assessments and unique ideas could stimulate and increase your ambitions. Before pursuing new horizons, be sure to finish what you have started.

IF AUGUST 12 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Your confidence may be boosted if you’ve been given a leadership role, but don’t let being first become your only goal for the next two to three weeks or you might offend someone. To satisfy your need to escape reality in September, think about taking an inspirational vacation or spending a weekend looking into someone’s eyes. If you’re single, a new romance could turn out to be the one you’ve been waiting for. Whatever you start in late October and early November, especially a new project or commitment to a romantic relationship, could be a success; you should definitely have the determination to make it a success at this time. Consider new opportunities or better career prospects, and take advantage of your increased charm, attractiveness, and business acumen while these may be more pronounced than usual.


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