
Fallout: London’s first major patch prevents you from cheekily hacking the John Bercow bot and makes trying to pet the mangy foxes a little less deadly

Fallout: London’s first major patch prevents you from cheekily hacking the John Bercow bot and makes trying to pet the mangy foxes a little less deadly

The first major patch for Fallout: London is now here and – just as announced by Team FOLON – contains numerous bug fixes for the various technical teething issues that plagued the launch version of the mod.

This should mean you can finally drop by Blighty without having to worry about encountering as many annoying gremlins as we did while testing the extensive mod. Fallout: London is definitely worth putting up with some crashes and bugs for, but hopefully with this update you’ll have to worry about that a lot less.

The patch notes for version 1.01 of Fallout: London reveal a number of welcome changes, including the previously announced official inclusion of Buffout 4, a Fallout 4 mod that’s basically a requirement to stop London from crashing every ten minutes. Now, instead of having to install this mod yourself, it’s included in your download from GOG, “pre-configured and ready to go.”

Additionally, there are a whole host of fixes for issues you’ve probably heard about, including the erroneous health stats—with the two afflictions the game imposes on you after the early train crash also needing to be reworked to be more severe—and the background music being permanently turned off for the rest of your playthrough when you visit the Angel Lab during the Heavenslayer quest.

It looks like the Thamesfolk and Vagabonds factions’ questlines have been a big focus in terms of mission-based bug fixes. Oh, and also, Team FOLON made it so that robotics experts can’t hack H4N-24RD – that’s the Protectron whose infamous voice is provided by former British Parliament Speaker John Bercow – which makes me very sad that I didn’t try that out on my first playthrough.

The final changes I’ll highlight here are the “slight nerf to the base attack damage” of the game’s foxes and that Churchill the bulldog can no longer randomly transform into Dogmeat from Fallout 4 when sent home and then recruited again. Phew, both are great.

“We are overwhelmed by the support for the project and the amount of positive feedback we have received,” Team FOLON said of the update. “Your feedback is crucial to our ongoing bug-finding and bug-fixing efforts, which we will continue until Fallout: London is as polished as possible.”

It also noted: “In the first 24 hours, the mod was redeemed over 500,000 times, making it the fastest redeemed game on GOG ever.” So that’s cool.

Want to give Fallout: London another try now that you know some of the teething issues have been ironed out? Before you do, be sure to read our recent interview with Team FOLON’s project lead about how the team managed to achieve both the British Fallout vibe and the classic Fallout vibe they were aiming for.

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