
Eat this 1 fruit before bed if you want to sleep well every night

Eat this 1 fruit before bed if you want to sleep well every night

What do you, a banana and a good night’s sleep have in common? Well, according to The Sleep Charity, *quite* a lot.

Nobody likes to sleep badlyand luckily for us, the report published by The Sleep Charity has five top tips for for better sleep quality in 2024.

It seems that eating some fruit before bed is at the top of the list of things we should do to improve our sleep.

Dr. Michael Breus, also known as the Sleep Doctor on TikTok, told HuffPost earlier this year that eating bananas as a pre-bedtime snack can actually help you fall asleep faster.

“Bananas are called ‘nature’s sleeping pill’ because they are rich in magnesium,” says Breus.

Meanwhile, sleep expert Rob Hobson explains that a balanced diet can support gut health, which in turn can improve sleep quality.

“The quality of your sleep can also be directly affected by the types of foods you eat, so it’s especially important to eat the right foods if you’re having trouble sleeping,” says Hobson.

It was reported on Sky News that bananas are particularly rich in magnesium and potassium, which are known to relax tired muscles and help you sleep.

They also contain a lot of tryptophan, a brain-calming amino acid.

Hobson also told HuffPost that eating bananas as part of a balanced diet can support gut health, which in turn can improve sleep quality.

“The quality of your sleep can also be directly affected by the types of foods you eat, so it’s especially important to eat the right foods if you have sleep problems,” Hobson said.

Don’t like bananas? Don’t worry. Fruit (any kind) can help with the production of melatonin, a hormone the body produces to help us sleep.

So if you like grapes, cherries and strawberries, you’re in luck because these fruits are the best sources of melatonin. And while fruit is a deliciously sweet way to get a good night’s sleep, there are other ways to sleep as well.

Hobson says magnesium is another source we should use if we want to sleep well. “The mineral is found in dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, nuts and seeds. Tryptophan helps with the production of melatonin – the sleep hormone – in the brain. It is found in fatty fish, chicken, tofu, beans and oats,” said Hobson.

The Sleep Charity also recommends picking almonds, eating fish and whole grains, as well as oatmeal cookies and cheese. Although the latter might give you interesting dreams.

Although it’s important not to go to bed on an empty stomach, it’s important to eat something light before bedtime, as a large meal can lead to digestive issues like indigestion, acid reflux, and more. And if you’re experiencing an upset stomach or a disturbed night’s sleep, it’s also advisable to avoid spicy foods.

The survey also recommends reducing or eliminating the consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods such as bread, rice and pasta before bedtime, as these can stimulate acid production and keep you awake longer.

But it’s not just the foods we eat that can affect our sleep quality. Healthy lifestyle choices like regular exercise, limited screen time, and soothing self-care practices like taking a warm bath before bed also contribute to sleep.

Lisa Artis, deputy chief executive of The Sleep Charity, said: “Sleep is hugely important for living a healthier, happier life and we want everyone to share this view and understand the importance of sleep as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

“Establishing and sticking to a good sleep routine helps increase positivity and reduce stress levels, allowing people to start the new year feeling refreshed.”


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