
Non-partisan delegation watches US party convention

Non-partisan delegation watches US party convention

  • By Chen Cheng-yu and Esme Yeh / Staff reporter, with staff writer

The US State Department and the country’s three major parties have finalised the membership list of a delegation to attend the Democratic National Convention in the US. Party political differences will be put aside for the good of the country, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmaker Wang Ting-yu (王定宇) said yesterday.

The ministry has assembled a delegation to observe the congress in Chicago from Monday to Thursday next week.

Another 11-member delegation was sent to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, last month to observe the Republican National Convention, it said.

Non-partisan delegation watches US party convention

Photo: Taipei Times file

The latest delegation is expected to consist of five members of the DPP, five members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and one member of the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP), sources said.

The DPP delegates are Wang and Fan Yun (范雲), party spokeswoman Han Ying (韓瑩), Kaohsiung city councillor Tang Yung-yu (湯詠瑜) and former Hsinchu city councillor Lee Yen-hui (李?慧), they said.

The KMT delegates are lawmakers Hsu Yu-chen (許宇甄), Chiu Jo-hua (邱若華) and Ko Ju-chun (葛如鈞), KMT spokeswoman Yang Chih-yu (楊智?) and the party’s representative in the US Victor Chin (秦日新), they said, adding that the TPP will send its faction leader Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌).

Wang, who is also chairman of the parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and National Defense, said President William Lai (賴清德), ​​​​who is also chairman of the DPP, appointed him to lead the delegation.

The proportion of each party in the delegation remains the same as that of the previous Democratic National Convention delegation four years ago, but due to the Legislative Yuan’s recess, more parliamentarians are involved this year.

The delegation should express its best wishes for the US election affairs without interfering, as the aim is to observe the event and the political situation in the US, Wang said.

With Taiwan’s national interest in mind, the delegation will also meet with Taiwan’s democratic supporters, members of the U.S. Congress and other politicians and attend side meetings to strengthen Taiwan-U.S. relations and cooperation, he said.

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