
Who is Dianne Olsen, candidate for Republican Party State Committee in Sumter County?

Who is Dianne Olsen, candidate for Republican Party State Committee in Sumter County?

Dianne Olsen, who is running for Republican State Committeewoman in Sumter County, shares her candidate profile:

It is time for unity…

Everyone I meet asks me what a State Committeewoman (SCW) does. The SCW position is the liaison, the voicebetween the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) and Sumter County. It’s about sharing information back and forth. The SCW builds relationships between public officials and those who vote at the polls. The RPOF holds quarterly meetings where women and men of the State Committee meet to strategize and lead the state to Republican victories on Election Day. They discuss business and address issues and questions from people like you, the voters in their communities. After the quarterly meetings, the SCW shares that information so you can all hear about it. This creates Unit in the county.

Who is Dianne Olsen, candidate for Republican Party State Committee in Sumter County?
Dianne Olsen

I moved to The Villages 11 years ago after a successful career in faculty administration at Connecticut State Universities. I have a Bachelor of Science/Masters in Education from the University of Connecticut. I worked directly with students in various leadership roles in the Upward Bound and Student Support Services programs and then opened an academic advising center. These experiences taught me the importance of good leadership and the value of unity in programs and organizations to achieve goals.

When my husband and I both retired to The Villages, we campaigned heavily in 2016 and have not stopped since. I joined the Republican Federated Women of The Villages and immediately took on leadership responsibilities and identified needs to advance the Republican Party.

Six years ago, I recognized an opportunity to raise voting awareness. I’m referring to the phone banking campaign. What started with 4 people making calls on their cell phones in my home has grown to over 100 volunteers working shifts in a rented space, making calls on a tablet with a headset. This grassroots initiative has helped put Sumter County on the political map and was recognized nationally in 2022. Our phone bank is currently the largest political phone bank in the state of Florida.

I also serve on the Sumter County Republican Executive Committee, chair of the Election Planning Committee, and serve on the Voter Participation Committee. I care deeply about our country and work every day to further the goals of the Republican Party and bring volunteers together to get conservative candidates in office.

I have demonstrated leadership and skills as a grassroots player to effective SCW. Vote for me in the local primary election in August and I promise:

· Give your vote to elected officials

· Share information from RPOF meetings with the community

· Building volunteer efforts to elect Republican candidates

· Strengthening relations between the base and RPOF

· Bring integrity And Unit to the SCW position

I support our conservative values ​​in the areas of education, law enforcement, legalized immigration, capitalism, pro-life, protection of the Second Amendment, and upholding our Constitution.

Work with me in Unit and put America first again.

-Dianne Olsen

“Political ad paid for and approved by the Dianne Olsen campaign for Sumter County State’s Campaign Woman”

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