
It’s not just a story – Daily Leader

It’s not just a story – Daily Leader

It’s not just a story

Published on Sunday, August 11, 2024, 9:31 am

TOn July 30th of last month, a text beeped on my phone that read, “It has been a joy to text and share with you these many mornings and I wanted you to know that while I don’t feel able to, I look forward to hearing from you via text and value our friendship.”

This was news I had dreaded from my friend Jane Baird. She and her husband, Jim Baird, were neighbors on our street when we moved here 10 years ago. It didn’t take long to realize we were living among celebrities – Pastor Jim, a retired Presbyterian minister, had worldwide connections to religious leaders and congregations where he had preached, taught and pastored. His chirpy, ever-smiling Southern belle had preached by his side thousands of miles on six continents and was the loving mother of four sons. She had also experienced the loss of an infant son.

Over the years we had visited her at street meetings or walks in her back yard. Pastor Jim had once led a Bible study on the street and it was obvious that “Lady Jane” was his capable companion and very supportive wife.

A few years ago, Lady Jane was widowed by the death of Pastor Jim, but I was amazed and inspired by her unwavering strength and resilience, which I knew was among the “fruits” her life of faith had produced. She was a rock! A portrait of her beloved husband hung next to her chair in her living room – it was a constant reminder of their love that was enduring – even after death had parted them.

She loved the Word, her family, the Church, and life in every chapter that God had walked with her through. Although time had brought her into her nineties, her mind did not follow. It remained in her spiritual prime, always remembering dates and using her extensive vocabulary.

On several occasions we talked about Bible verses and shared a love for the Word of God. She was pleased that I offered to send her a Bible verse of encouragement each day and she thanked me profusely. It was also her morning ritual to send verses to her family members.

When I received her text message telling me she could no longer send verses to friends and family, I realized for the first time how her health was deteriorating. It seemed impossible that my Energizer Bunny had reached such a fragile state.

She also had sharp insights. Less than a week after her last text message, Lady Jane met her soul mate and savior.

Whenever I hear of Pilgrim’s Progress, I think of my dear friend. It was her favorite book and she enjoyed collecting volumes of it on her extensive travels. When I thought about this wonderful friend, I imagined her not only enjoying the wonderful reunions, but also meeting John Bunyan and telling him how much she liked his book. Together in the “heavenly city” with all those who had been there before her! Lady Jane, it’s not just a story anymore!

Letters to Camille Anding can be sent to PO Box 551, Brookhaven, MS 39602.

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