
Parent involved in beating of student in Dublin High locker room

Parent involved in beating of student in Dublin High locker room

A parent and four teenagers aged 16 to 19 were involved in an attack on a Dublin High School student, police said.

According to school officials, the incident occurred last week in the boys’ locker room.

Investigators said the student was “confronted by a parent from Dulbin High School. The victim retreated to the boys’ locker room, followed by four unknown individuals and the parent from Dublin High School. The four unknown individuals, wearing hoodies, are believed to have assaulted the victim.”

Following the attack, Dublin High School increased security measures on Tuesday and sent a letter to families informing them of the attack and the ongoing investigation.

“I didn’t really notice until I got an email at home,” says student Khloe Heusler.

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Superintendent Chris Funk said the group punched the 15-year-old student, who is a member of the football team. When the coach and other players heard the commotion, they rushed to the locker room to help. The attackers ran away.

“From the time the people entered the locker room, attacked the student and left, it was one to two minutes,” Funk said. “The football players and head coach intervened and immediately rendered aid to the student.”

Dublin Police said the victim was treated at hospital for injuries to his face and head and then discharged. Police said they do not believe the attack was random.

According to the police chief, the attack was recorded on video.

“We know that none of them were students at Dublin High,” Funk said. “We were able to use our surveillance cameras to work with Dublin Police to find out who they were.”

The principal said the school plans to have an adult present in the locker rooms and the doors to the parking lot will be locked to limit access to the building after school.

Some parents say they would like to see more fences and other measures.

“Maybe more vigilance and more cameras and things like that would help, and then at least someone would know exactly what happened,” said father Jitender Kumar.

Dublin Police Services has asked anyone with information about the incident to call (925) 833-6670.

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