
Zeno’s gift to Goku is his greatest weakness, which can help murder the most powerful being in Dragon Ball

Zeno’s gift to Goku is his greatest weakness, which can help murder the most powerful being in Dragon Ball

An interesting theory was presented in the Dragon Ball Community, about how to kill the all-powerful Zeno. Is the strongest being in the entire multiverse vulnerable to danger? At the heart of the theory is Zeno’s button, which was given to Son Goku as a gift. Clicking on either button allows anyone to summon Zeno in an instant. According to the theory, the gift acts as a medium that could bring about the Omni-King’s downfall.

Goku holds the button that allows him to summon the Omni King
Goku holds the button that allows him to summon the Omni-King | Credit

Zeno, the supreme ruler of the entire Dragon Ball world, is considered invincible. But using this special button could potentially change those presumed thoughts. It could easily lead to a sticky situation if used by someone who holds a grudge against him or plans to murder him. The speculation has therefore led to much discussion about what could happen if the gift backfires.

Zeno’s button can lead to unintended circumstances

The two Omni-Kings Zeno
The two Omni-Kings |

A Dragon Ball fan @Inhaling_Springtrap on Reddit has theorized that Zeno’s special button can lead to his murder. This button was a gift from Zeno to Goku as a sign of their trust and friendship. If Goku somehow loses it or someone steals it from him, which while it might be impossible, it can bring about a major disaster. The button wasn’t just a gift; it has now become an object that can be exploited.

The bottom line is that anyone who clicks the button can summon Zeno, who will appear alone without his guards or the High Priest. This could become a very big problem for him.

He believes that if Zeno appears alone, it could provide a brief opportunity for the villains to attack him. Without his usual guards and protectors, especially the High Priest, Zeno could face unexpected threats and not have time to counterattack.

The theory cannot be entirely true because Dragon Ball has already shown Zeno’s immense power and he can handle such attacks with ease. He has been shown to be able to wipe out an entire universe with a mere thought, suggesting that any attempt to assassinate him would be futile.

The ultimate plan to kill the Omni-King in the timeless void

The World of Void in the Tournament of Power
The World of Void in the Tournament of Power |

The Omni-King has the Angels on his side, who have special powers to turn back time to protect him. They can easily counter if someone kills Zeno. So the question is: how can he be killed without being protected by them when he is summoned by the button?

According to fan @Inhaling_Springtrap, there’s probably a way to do that. He speculated that Zeno could potentially be killed by summoning him to a timeless place where the power of the angels can’t work. This timeless place could be the World of Void, introduced during the Tournament of Power. In a place like that, the angels can’t turn back time because it doesn’t exist there.

However, it is not certain that Time Rewind would work in a place like the World of Void. Characters like Hit were able to use time-based abilities while in the Void. The laws that control time could be different even if time existed in other forms.

The theory is based purely on speculation and it is not properly mentioned that there is no time in the world of Void. Dragon Ball has always portrayed Zeno as an invincible force, feared by all.

Dragon Ball is currently available on Crunchyroll.

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