
Tucker freaks out after Veto ceremony doesn’t go in his favor – Big Brother Network

Tucker freaks out after Veto ceremony doesn’t go in his favor – Big Brother Network

Big Brother 26: Tucker sulks in the rock room

It was a busy day, as T’Kor finally had to name someone as a replacement. She was torn all weekend about whether to nominate Angela or Leah. Cam won the Power of Veto, so T’Kor had to pick someone she was okay with risking his game with. Her gut told her Angela should be the replacement, but she didn’t want to risk Angela exposing 6th Avenue. She also didn’t want to risk not having enough numbers to keep Tucker in the game.

Ultimately, the chaos before the Veto Ceremony led T’Kor to nominate Angela. Angela then apparently revealed 6th Avenue, but left out Joseph’s name. She also threw Quinn under the bus, causing Tucker’s game to falter even further.

Tucker immediately became emotional about everything that happened during the veto. He talked about the game being officially over. He planned to throw the AI ​​Arena and tell them to vote him out on Thursday. However, Rubina, Quinn and T’Kor tried to get him back in the game.

Big Brother 26: T'Kor and Tucker's long hug.

T’Kor was also emotional because she felt like she hurt a lot of players with her decision to nominate Angela. Tucker also wasn’t happy that T’Kor still nominated Angela even though she betrayed him. He thought Leah would have been a better choice for the week.

Tucker’s rants included that he believed he tried to play the game fearlessly, but everyone else played fearfully. He wanted to change the game. He said T’Kor’s decision confirmed that no one wanted to make any big moves. Angela exposing him after he saved her with the Veto showed that he couldn’t trust anyone in the game.

He tried to be honest, but no one else agreed. He and T’Kor talked for a long time, and that seemed to give him some fighting spirit (at least temporarily). However, he goes on to explain that he plans to go home on Thursday by intentionally losing the AI ​​Arena competition and then asking the houseguests to vote him out.

Tucker said the house was making him unhappy and he just wanted to get back to his life and his dog. He told Rubina and Kimo he wanted to see one of them win the game. Rubina doesn’t quite believe Tucker will lose the AI ​​Arena on purpose.

Big Brother 26 - Tucker clouds the gloom

She believes that by Thursday he will either win or change his mind about his desire to leave the game. For now, he seems serious and just wants to go home.

Do you think Tucker still wants to leave the Big Brother 26 house this week?

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