
Your birthday for August 27, 2024 – Your birthday

Your birthday for August 27, 2024 – Your birthday

Born today, you are one of those curious, inquisitive and highly motivated people who spend most of their lives searching for answers to questions that they may not fully or completely understand. In some cases, you will not even know the question until the answer comes to you in a dream, through experience or interaction, or simply as a product of your strong human intuition. However, this is never a problem for you, because you are on the journey.

The opportunities you enjoy throughout your life will surely be numerous and, on the whole, remarkable. Others will know you as a person who is both lucky and self-determined – and that’s because you instinctively know how to make the most of almost any stroke of luck.

Also born on this day were: Mother Teresa, religious leader; Chris Pine, actor; Macaulay Culkin, actor; Melissa McCarthy, actress; Geraldine Ferraro, politician; Branford Marsalis, musician; Michael Jeter, actor.

To see what’s in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star guide you every day.


ARIES (March 21-April 19) – It’s time to make your motives clear to someone. Answer questions simply and honestly – and don’t let yourself be “misled” or deceived.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) – The power of suggestion is likely to be very strong today, especially for someone who knows how to use it for the greater good. Is that you?

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) – Today you strive for quality results, and you can achieve them, provided you share the task with someone who is as qualified as you.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) – You may be thrown off track today by a newcomer on the scene who seems to have no qualms about expressing even the sharpest opinions.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — There are certain ways of doing things, and you must adhere to those rules and expectations today to please someone who is paying attention.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22) — If you give it everything you have today, you will be satisfied. If you do it half-heartedly, even victory is unlikely to please you.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22) – You may not want to be in a position of authority today, and yet others will be right there when they see the contribution you can make.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) – You must be prepared for anything today and be prepared to respond in such a way that you teach someone entrusted to you everything they need to know.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) – How you take charge today is entirely up to you, but know that some methods inspire loyalty and others do not.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) – It’s time for you to fully commit to something you’ve only been flirting with for the past few days or weeks. You have to commit to it!

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) – What you do with someone else today is likely to produce far better results than you hoped for – and you were hoping for a lot!

PISCES (February 19-March 20) – If you’ve reached the halfway point of a particular journey today, you can relax a little, because from then on it’s almost all downhill.

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