
2024 – Writings | On Nathalie Collard’s radar

2024 – Writings | On Nathalie Collard’s radar

The world of ideas is on the move. Find out what our columnist has on his radar.

Hillary Clinton’s trust


Something lost, something gained – reflections on life, love and freedom, by Hillary Rodham Clinton

Literary retirement is upon us and soon we will be inundated with books. Among those that arouse my curiosity is that of Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady of the United States. She is a fascinating and sometimes controversial figure and lets us look back on her life in an intimate tone, as we are promised. She will of course talk about her relationship, her family, friendship, but above all she will return to the highlights of her term as Secretary of State, which put her in absolutely extraordinary situations. Very excited to read Something lost, something gained – reflections on life, love and freedom, which will be released on September 17th.

Something lost, something gained – reflections on life, love and freedomby Hillary Clinton, Simon & Schuster, 336 pages

Our new life


Silicon Valley, by Alain Damasio

This book by science fiction author Alain Damasio was published in the middle of summer and is definitely worth reading. He spent some time in Silicon Valley, where we find all these big companies that dictate our lives. In a series of essays, he reflects on the omnipresence of technology, be it artificial intelligence, our beloved “smartphones” and our addiction to these new tools that are supposed to make us freer. The book ends with a short story of anticipation that is not so far from the present.

Silicon Valley, by Alain Damasio, Seuil, Seuil, collection “Albertine”, 318 pages

Simone’s Mail


Dear Simone de Beauvoir – Lives and Voices of “Ordinary” Women. Crossed Correspondences 1958-1986

The French National Library preserves the numerous letters that Simone de Beauvoir received throughout her life. Mostly women who wrote to the philosopher and asked her for advice. We are talking about around 20,000 letters! An editor has selected some of them and published them together with the philosopher’s replies. This book was published in the summer and therefore went somewhat unnoticed. It sheds new light on an era and on the thinking of Simone de Beauvoir.

Dear Simone de Beauvoir – Lives and Voices of “Ordinary” Women. Crossed Correspondences 1958-1986published by Marine Rouch, Flammarion, 384 pages

The story of Kamala Harris


Kamala Harris

Coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago took up a lot of media space last week. If you didn’t have time to watch and listen to everything and want to learn more about candidate Kamala Harris, this podcast called “The Story of Kamala Harris” is for you. It paints an interesting portrait of the politician, her career, and the political struggles she fought in the shadow of Joe Biden as vice president. It also outlines the contours of a Harris presidency, if she were even elected next November.

Listen to the podcast

Diary of a Drainer


Garbage! – Diary of a Garbage Man, from Simon Pare-Poupart

Among the Quebec titles coming out this fall, there is one that particularly fascinates me: Garbage! – Diary of a garbage man. “By telling my story, I want to share my passion. I want to bring drainer out of oblivion,” writes the author Simon Paré-Poupart in his introductory text. This is a profession that is rarely talked about, even less so from the point of view of those who practice it. I am very curious to get to know the pen and the point of view of this author. To be published on September 5 by Lux éditeur.

Garbage! – Diary of a Garbage Man, from Simon Paré-Poupart, Lux Verlag, 140 pages

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