
Rick Scott cannot rule out theory that the CIA could have killed John F. Kennedy

Rick Scott cannot rule out theory that the CIA could have killed John F. Kennedy

Florida’s junior senator takes up a controversial moment in American history and does not rule out that a presidential assassination in 1963 could have been an inside job by calling the attempted murder of Donald J. Trump and there is a lack of meaningful intelligence information about it.

Rick Scott said on Saturday that he had “just published a book last year called JFK (and the) Unspeakable”, which assumed that Kennedy was killed in the midst of which author James W. Douglas calls it “fighting with his national security state,” which apparently raised this historic question for him.

“And if you read the book, the CIA killed John F. Kennedy. I don’t know if they did it or not,” Scott said on “The Assembly”, an event hosted by a conservative talk show host and commentator Erick Erickson.

Scott’s failure to rule out the possibility that the CIA was involved in Kennedy’s assassination contradicts the official narrative of the Warren Commission in the wake of Lee Harvey Oswald’s Assassination of the President in Dallas, Texas.

The book has been praised by an interesting cross-section of cultural commentators, including Oliver Stonewho called it “the best account of this tragedy and its significance that I have ever read.”

Robert F. Kennedy said there was “overwhelming evidence that the CIA was involved in his assassination … beyond a reasonable doubt.”

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