
Rep. Jeff Van Drew: I understand why RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party

Rep. Jeff Van Drew: I understand why RFK Jr. left the Democratic Party

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The Democratic Party is no longer the party it once was.

As someone who spent nearly two decades as a Democrat in the New Jersey State Legislature before moving on to the United States Congress, I have witnessed firsthand the drastic changes within the party over the years. When I first entered politics, the Democratic Party was committed to standing up for the working class. We were focused on justice and supporting those who needed it most. Regardless of the differences between the political parties, we all still believed that the leadership of the Democratic Party loved America and saw it as the best nation on Earth.

That’s no longer true. Over the years, the party has strayed from its original course. Instead of standing up for the needs of ordinary Americans, it now seems more driven by corporate interests and big donors. The party’s policies often favor the wealthy and leave hard-working average Americans out.

As elected representatives of the American people, it is our privilege and duty to act in their interests. The Democratic Party has failed to do so time and time again. Today, its policies favor big corporations at the expense of American workers and small businesses. Trade agreements and economic policies that once aimed to support local businesses often now prioritize the interests of multinational corporations. They prefer to rely on foreign companies for energy rather than bring energy dependence back to America, putting jobs and our national energy security at risk.

Congressman who left the Democrats calls Biden’s administration “the worst in American history”

Internationally, the Democratic Party’s lack of decisive leadership has weakened our global standing, emboldened adversaries, and neglected key allies. Domestically, the Biden-Harris administration has imposed unprecedented economic stress since taking office: Inflation has risen nearly 21% and Americans are spending $13,000 more annually on basic needs.

A juxtaposition of the American politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and

A juxtaposition of the American politician Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decision to condemn the Democratic Party and endorse Donald Trump should serve as a wake-up call to its leadership that fundamental change is needed. A Democrat by tradition, RFK’s decision to put country above party loyalty shows how far the party has strayed from its core values. His stance reflects the growing sentiment among Americans that the Democratic Party is no longer in sync with the needs of the nation.


I experienced a similar mood when I ran against Ted Kennedy’s daughter-in-law, Amy Kennedy, in 2020. Despite having the considerable support and resources of her family, she could not overcome growing voter frustration. The people of South Jersey had had enough of the direction the Democratic Party was taking. They wanted change, a departure from the status quo the party once stood for. Americans across the country are tired of the new burdens they must bear under this administration.

Look at the current state of our country: increasing illegal border crossings have led to tragic losses of innocent lives and an economy struggling under the weight of rampant inflation. The Democratic Party’s responses to these critical issues have been disappointing at best. Vice President Kamala Harris’ recent speech at the Democratic National Convention, full of lofty promises and goals, rings hollow when compared to nearly four years of inaction and failure to address pressing problems.


What is urgently needed is policy change that truly represents the interests of Americans and directly addresses the challenges facing our country. We need an approach that puts people’s needs first and delivers real solutions. Under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, we have the opportunity to take decisive action to re-define the direction of our country and ensure a prosperous future for all Americans.

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