
Bloomtown: On September 24, a different story unfolds

Bloomtown: On September 24, a different story unfolds

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At the presentation of the Future Games Show at Gamescom, publisher Twin Sails Interactive and developers Lazy Bear Games and Different Sense Games announced that Bloomtown: A different story will be released on September 24th for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam. The developers have noted that the Switch release will follow on September 26th if you happen to be in Japan or Korea.

Check out a preview of the latest trailer below and let us know in the comments or on our social media if you’re as excited about this popular indie title as we are.

For those of you who are just now hearing about this title, Bloomtown is heavily inspired by RPGs you probably know, like Earthbound and the persona series. In addition to a compelling narrative, it offers gameplay that requires players to tame monsters and capture demons to use as allies in battle. The setting also holds many secrets, so don’t be fooled by the cozy pixel art graphics. In her demo impressions article, our own Audra Bowling drew comparisons to TV shows such as Stranger Things And Welcome to Gravity Falls.

Bloomtown: A different story overview

Bloomtown is a quiet and cozy American suburb, but that’s just a facade – beneath the surface, a demon world is growing, children are disappearing, and it’s up to you to save the town! During the summer holidays, you, as Emily and her younger brother Chester, tame monsters from the underworld and assemble your own demon-hunting squad with unique team synergies.

Make the most of your summer vacation adventure! Explore the city’s secret areas, work out at the gym, work at the supermarket, take up gardening or make imaginative friends. The choices – and the adventure – are yours!

Main features

  • A new JRPG adventure: Inspired by popular classics such as the persona Series and Earthbound, Bloomtown balances social life with demon taming, pulse-pounding turn-based combat, and a gripping story. It’s up to Emily to unravel the secrets of mystical disappearances and save the souls of the townspeople!
  • Two worlds collide: Enter the dark underworld that lurks the children of Bloomtown. Encounter the inner demons of the townspeople, brought to life as monstrous manifestations of fear and vice.
  • Teamwork makes the dream come true: Use the unique abilities of your own demons and allies to defeat monsters and dungeon bosses in turn-based, tactical battles.
  • Catching and taming demons: Weaken unique demons to capture and add them to your own demon-hunting force. Level up your demons and fuse them to create powerful synergies for fighting in the Underworld.
  • An unforgettable summer holiday: Fighting demons won’t take up all your time in Bloomtown! Explore the city, take on quests, make friends, or take it easy – how you spend your time is up to you.


Bloomtown: A different story is out September 24th for PS5, PS4, XSX, XB1, Switch, and PC. Stay tuned here at RPGFan for more indie RPG news!

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