
It’s a whole new Democratic Party now – Daily Freeman

It’s a whole new Democratic Party now – Daily Freeman

Greetings from Chicago and from what Rep. Jamie Raskin called the “Democracy Convention.”

My first convention was in 1976 as a staffer for then-governor and presidential candidate Jerry Brown. Since then, I’ve attended every Democratic convention as a delegate, volunteer, or reporter, but I skipped this one—until Joe Biden resigned and Kamala Harris stepped in. Then I changed my mind. And I’m so glad I did.

Of all the conventions I have attended, this 2024 convention was by far the most exciting, well-executed, and impactful. Not to mention, it will go down in history as the first woman of color to be nominated as a major party’s presidential candidate.

And what a contrast to the sad spectacle we saw in Milwaukee a month ago. As California’s Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis told the California delegation, “It’s like they went to a funeral and we went to a wedding.” The Republican convention was full of hate speech, name-calling, whining, fear and lies – all with a focus on the past. This Democratic convention was the exact opposite.

It began, appropriately, with a tribute to President Biden. He is probably the most underrated politician in history, but that is over. Biden will now always be remembered and celebrated, not only as the most consequential one-term president of all time, but most importantly for his selfless decision to sacrifice his own position as the most powerful man on the planet to save our democracy from the threat posed by Donald Trump. “Thank you, Joe.”

And now the torch has been passed. And not just to Kamala Harris. What impressed me most about this convention – and this is again a stark contrast to Milwaukee – was the depth and breadth of young talent on display. You can’t imagine a more impressive group of young political leaders than Josh Shapiro, JB Pritzker, Andy Beshear, Wes Moore, Gavin Newsom, Pete Buttigieg and Gretchen Whitmer – all of whom made their grand entrance to the podium. Here in Chicago, the Democratic Party didn’t just talk about the future. It showcased the future.

That future, of course, begins with Kamala Harris. Over the last four weeks, any doubts about her ability as a candidate have vanished. She has generated more enthusiasm, gathered larger crowds, and raised more money than any other candidate in such a short period of time. And she capped it all off with an acceptance speech at the convention that was truly masterful.

In a word, she did it. Harris hit all the right notes: she told her compelling personal story, warned of the dangers of another four years of Trump, addressed the big issues of the economy, climate change, gun safety and reproductive rights, promised a strong defense and continued support for NATO and Ukraine, and vowed to be a president who serves and fights for all Americans. In one sentence, she summed up what this campaign is about: “We are not going back.” And she did it all with a smile that lit up the entire convention center.

Harris’ first decision was, of course, her best yet: she nominated Tim Walz as her running mate. Walz is exactly what the Democratic Party needs: not just someone who supports the middle class, but someone who IS the middle class. He’s a good neighbor, high school teacher, veteran, hunter, and football coach who exudes family values ​​and lives by what most Americans accept as our golden rule: “Mind your own damn business!” Tim Walz is the right guy; someone every American can identify with.

But what struck me most about this convention is this. Thanks to Harris and Walz, two words rang in the air in Chicago that one doesn’t normally associate with the Democrats, at least not for long. Those words are “joy” and “freedom.”

The joy is real. You can see it in the way Harris and Walz are campaigning. They are having fun. The same goes for the thousands who come to their rallies. And for more and more Americans who are being infected by the Democrats’ cheerful mood.

And the freedom the Democrats talk about is real: the freedom to read any book you want; to love and marry whoever you want; to control your own body; to vote – all freedoms that Donald Trump wants to abolish. The Democratic Party has taken back freedom. Now it is the Democrats who are bringing freedom and the Republicans who are denying it. That is revolutionary.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz did more than unite the Democratic Party this week. They reinvented it. For the better.

Bill Press’s column is distributed by Tribune Content Agency.

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