
Who won HoH? Week 6 – Big Brother Network

Who won HoH? Week 6 – Big Brother Network

Big Brother Head of Household Competition – CBSWho won HoH? Week 6 – Big Brother Network

The houseguests just watched the last evictee walk out the front door and sit down with Julie to vote again on Thursday night, but now it’s time to move on and crown a new winner for Week 6 of Big Brother 26. Now that Brooklyn is gone and the Collective and the Pentagon are officially done for, the season must take a new turn and, oh yeah, form more alliances.

There were so many alliances and no one seemed to be loyal to any of them for more than a few days or, if they were lucky, even a few weeks. Instead, the power shifted and the floaters floated along with them. There’s nothing wrong with that, though, and it’s certainly stayed interesting as we discover the new structure each week.

So who took the HOH win and will be the leader of the Big Brother house this week? Read on for the spoilers…

Big Brother 26, Week 6, HoH Competition:

  • T’kor is the new head of household

Okay, so that’s something different for the season with a T’kor win here. Sort of like a two-in-one HOH because you know she’s going to have Kimo at the hip for everything we see. And it’ll be interesting when she starts her weekly wobble on Tuesday or Wednesday, but it’ll mess up her own plans instead.

Kimo and T'kor at Big Brother 26 – CBSKimo and T'kor at Big Brother 26 – CBS
Kimo and T’kor at Big Brother 26 – CBS

The HouseGuests will be back at it on Friday as they plan for the upcoming nomination ceremony and then the Veto competition on Saturday. Don’t forget that the AI ​​Arena is here to stay for at least this week and that the AI ​​Instigator twist will also be revealed to one of the HGs soon. Maybe they can keep it a secret this time? No, probably not.

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