
Science fiction exhibition at the USC Fisher Museum of Art – Locus Online

Science fiction exhibition at the USC Fisher Museum of Art – Locus Online

Science Fiction, Magic, Queer LA: Sexual Science and the Imagi Nationa new science fiction exhibition, will open on August 22, 2024, at the USC Fisher Museum of Art in Los Angeles, California.

The exhibition focuses on:

…Los Angeles from the late 1930s to the 1960s, looking both back and forth to trace the lives of writers, publishers, and early science fiction enthusiasts, including progressive communities such as the LA Science Fantasy Society, the Ordo Templi Orientis at Agape Lodge, and ONE Inc. Covering a spectrum of fandom, aerospace studies, queer history, and the occult, Sexology and the Imagi Nation shows how artists, scientists and visionary thinkers such as Jim Kepner, Lisa Ben, Margaret Brundage, Morris Scott Dollens, Marjorie Cameron, Renate Druks, Curtis Harrington and Kenneth Anger worked together to invent and create a world of their own imagination using film, photography, music, illustrations, costumes and text.

The exhibition is supported by Getty through PST ART: Art & Science Initiative and runs through November 23, 2024. For more information, visit the USC Fisher Museum of Art website.

Locus magazine, science fiction fantasy

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