
Amprion secures 1.1 billion euros for green energy projects

Amprion secures 1.1 billion euros for green energy projects

  • Investor confidence: Amprion’s green bond issue met with strong demand from investors and reflects confidence in the company’s sustainable strategy.
  • Green financing: The proceeds will be used to finance projects that meet the UN’s sustainability goals and, in particular, aim at the integration of renewable energies.
  • Solid reviews: The bond received solid credit ratings, underlining Amprion’s financial stability and commitment to green initiatives.

Amprion has successfully issued a green bond with a volume of EUR 1.1 billion, divided into two tranches. This bond issue, which is part of Amprion’s EUR 9 billion debt issuance program, attracted great interest from investors and demonstrates great confidence in the company’s strategic direction.

  • The first tranche of EUR 500 million has a coupon of 3.125% and a term of six years.
  • The second tranche totaling EUR 600 million offers a coupon of 3.850% and a term of 15 years.

Peter Rüth, Chief Financial Officer of Amprion, emphasized the importance of this bond: “The positive response to our Green Bond underlines investors’ confidence in our corporate and financing strategy. The proceeds will be invested exclusively in our green project portfolio and thus directly support our goals of expanding and modernizing the transmission network in order to integrate more and more renewable energies.

The funds raised are earmarked for sustainable projects in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure). These projects are listed in Amprion’s Green Finance Framework, which complies with the International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles. The framework and the bond issue received a second opinion from ESG rating agency Sustainalytics, confirming their compliance with global sustainability standards.

Amprion’s financial stability is also demonstrated by solid investment grade ratings: Moody’s rates the company Baa1, while Fitch gives it a rating of BBB+, both with a stable outlook. The expected ratings for this green dual-tranche bond are Baa1 from Moody’s and A- from Fitch.

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The transaction was managed by a consortium of banks, including Bayerische Landesbank, Commerzbank, DZ BANK AG, ING, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, SEB and UniCredit, which acted as joint bookrunners.

With this strategic step, Amprion not only secures the necessary financing, but also underlines its commitment to sustainability and the green transition of energy infrastructure.

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