
John Rutherford defeats Mara Macie again

John Rutherford defeats Mara Macie again

This was a repeat of 2022, when Macie received 18% of the vote and Rutherford received 66%.

For the second consecutive election cycle, US Representative John Rutherford has sent a familiar challenger.

The Republican from Jacksonville is well ahead of his challenger Mara Macieand is leading Florida’s 5th Congressional District 67% to 33%, with more than 95% of the vote cast.

The result is no surprise, as Rutherford is one of Northeast Florida’s most established political figures. The fourth-term congressman previously served as sheriff of Jacksonville from 2003 to 2015.

The congressman not only had many years of experience in office, but also a prohibitive advantage in raising fundsAnd he didn’t have to spend as much. At the end of July, he had more than $475,000 in cash on hand, while Macie had just over $16,000.

This was a repeat of 2022, when Macie received 18% of the vote and Rutherford received 66%.

The winner of the primary will face a Democrat and a voter who is registered in the primary in November.

democrat Jay McGovern had no opposition in the primaries and will advance to November.

McGovern has not been able to raise any donations so far; he had previously run for office, but was unsuccessful.

In 2016, he lost the Democratic primary in the 6th Congressional District of old Florida, where he Ron DeSantis if he had won in August. In 2020, he lost a primary for the Florida House of Representatives to a candidate who had lost to the state representative. Wyman Duggan.

Repeat candidate Gary Koniz also runs, this time as a write-in.

The district, which includes parts of Duval and St. Johns counties, is set up for a Republican victory because there are more than 250,000 Republican candidates but fewer than 145,000 Democrats on the voter rolls.

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