
Florida woman sues Delta Airlines

Florida woman sues Delta Airlines

When you’re on a long flight, all you really want to do is mind your business, maybe doze off or scroll through your phone. What you don’t want is to be repeatedly hit by a drinks cart as if it has some kind of personal vendetta against you. Well, according to the New York Post, that’s exactly what happened to poor Gail Hamilton, a passenger on a Delta Airlines flight. She was flying from Paris to New York and wasn’t too happy about the added benefit of a cart collision during the flight. She claims a Delta employee mishandled a drinks cart and hit her not once, but multiple times!

Gail says she was sitting in an aisle seat, which we all know is a first-class seat for a little extra legroom. But apparently that seat is also in the “drink cart danger zone.” That cart, fully loaded with drinks, allegedly hit her right shoulder, “severely injuring” her. Now she’s suing Delta, accusing them of negligence. She’s basically saying that airline employees need some serious training if they’re going to keep pushing a cart around during flights. Who do they think they are, turning a drink cart into a weapon? The audacity!

Beverage cart compensation:

In her lawsuit, Gail doesn’t specify how much she’s asking for, but you can bet it’s more than just an apology and a free bag of peanuts from the airline. She wants Delta to pay not only for the physical pain her aches and pains caused, but also for failing to keep her safe in the first place. I get it, Gail needed a “safe place” and that aisle seat just wasn’t the right one. As for the airline, they’re keeping quiet. Smart move. They shouldn’t put Gail through any more pain than they already have.

So the next time you’re sitting in an aisle seat and see a drinks cart heading your way, maybe keep your eyes peeled. You never know if it’s going to bring you a Diet Coke or a good beating from the neck down.

Meet Budman, the dynamic host of the WiLD Bunch Morning Show on Marconi Award-winning radio station WXKB on B1039. Budman enjoys writing about funny news, good stories about Florida men, dumb criminals, or anything superhero-related. A comic book and pop culture fan, Budman even named his daughter Kara Zor-El after Supergirl. His only child is his true passion beyond the microphone. Being a father is his favorite role. A true family man, Budman balances his love of radio with quality time spent with his loved ones and his loyal dogs.

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