
Local Author Fair returns after break • Current Publishing

Local Author Fair returns after break • Current Publishing

By Samantha Kupiainen

The Carmel Clay Public Library, 425 E. Main. St., will host its first Local Author Fair in more than five years on August 24 from 1 to 4 p.m. The event celebrates literary talent and community involvement and offers visitors the opportunity to interact with dozens of local authors from a variety of genres and backgrounds.

Attendees can expect to see and interact with around 40 authors at the fair.

CIC COM 0820 Local Author Fair Barrett

“The response from participating authors has been enthusiastic,” said Brian Barrett, adult services librarian at CCPL. “We have space for about 40 authors and have received over 80 applications.”

Genres include fiction, biographies, children’s books, and science fiction and fantasy. Authors range from established to emerging artists. The fair will feature authors from Carmel and the surrounding communities. In addition, authors will speak about their work, sell and sign their books, and give visitors a glimpse into their creative processes.

“We’ve seen an increase in the number of writers in our community over the past few years, especially since self-publishing has gained popularity,” said Kendall Culbertson, CCPL’s assistant director of adult services. “This event is a great way to connect these writers with new readers and give readers the opportunity to learn about the process of writing from people who practice writing.”

The Local Author Fair was held from 2014 to 2018. CCPL would like to make it an annual event again.

“This will be the first local author fair since the library was renovated,” Barrett said.

The Local Author Fair is free to attend and does not require registration. For more information, visit

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