
The fate of the WRE (Bible Bus) has yet to be decided

The fate of the WRE (Bible Bus) has yet to be decided

The fate of the WRE (Bible Bus) has yet to be decided

Weekday Religious Education (WRE), or BIBLE BUS as the children call it, has been offered in Pulaski since 1935. Unfortunately, unless more funding is provided immediately, this program will be discontinued. A meeting will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024 to decide the fate of the program.

Our budget goal is $18,000 per year, but due to current commitments for the upcoming school year, we have a projected deficit of $15,000. Our funds are now exhausted and we must ask our churches, local businesses and individuals in the community for help. Some of the churches that have faithfully supported the program are currently unable to do so. Efforts are underway to expand support by involving businesses and individuals. We hope that as more information about the program becomes available, there will be greater interest in supporting WRE (BIBLE BUS).

The Weekday Religious Education program began in Indiana in 1914 and came to Virginia in 1925. At one time, there were over 60 WRE councils representing the state of Virginia. By 1989, Virginia had the strongest and largest program in the country. Today, that number has shrunk to 20 councils, most of which are located along the 1-81 corridor.

The program allows schools to release students (with parental permission) from school grounds to learn Christian principles. Students in grades 2-5 attend weekly Bible classes for one semester. Students in grades 2-5 attend weekly Bible classes.and Class learn about favorite Bible stories, students in 3rd Class learn about the life of Moses, students in 4th Class learn about the life of Jesus and the students in 5th The class learns parables of Jesus. Participating schools include Critzer, Pulaski Elementary, and Snowville. There is a Dublin WRE Council that teaches classes at Dublin Elementary and Riverlawn. The Bible is the primary text, with WRE teachers following a curriculum that is cross-denominational. The program promotes Christian ideals and practices in daily life, as well as church attendance. Classes are viewed as a supplement to the home and church. WRE is fully supported by churches, businesses, and individuals, and is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. We are very fortunate to have a dedicated teacher, Wendy Marshall.

We want the program in Pulaski to continue for many years to come, but we NEED HELP.

Here is a testimonial from our teacher Wendy Marshall: “During a class with the fifth graders, we were discussing the Unmerciful Servant. We were discussing the importance of forgiveness. As we were discussing our lesson, a little girl told me about a situation between her mother and her aunt. They had not spoken for two years because they had been arguing over an inheritance. One sister was supposed to get a table and the other sister took possession of it. The little girl asked me what I thought about it and we continued to talk about the lesson and how we must be able to forgive in order to receive forgiveness. The little girl went home and discussed the lesson with her mother. The mother called her sister and told her that she forgave her. The sister returned the table. They made up and went to dinner together.”

Donations for the program can be sent to: WRE

PO Box 1345


The future of this program absolutely depends on donations from churches, businesses and individuals. The need is IMMEDIATE and your participation is of the utmost importance.

Email: [email protected]

WRE, PO Box 1345, Pulaski, VA 24301

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in what he should be taught, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

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