
Letter | Hong Kong needs more, not less, cool green spaces

Letter | Hong Kong needs more, not less, cool green spaces

The solution is right in front of our eyes – or rather, above us. Trees provide shade, reduce Energy requirements for cooling and improve public health. According to one study, urban green spaces could prevent a third of all premature heat deaths.

To ensure Hong Kong’s quality of life and counteract the effects of climate change, the city must commit to preserving and expanding its green spaces.

New trees must be carefully selected to ensure they are suitable for the local environment. This may require closer collaboration between developers and government agencies, as plants typically have a higher capacity for carbon sequestration when cultivated in their natural habitat.

The Wan Chai Promenade, where newly planted trees take years to reach their full potential, underscores the need for forward-looking planning.

The Ministry of Recreation and Cultural Services and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation must work together to implement nature-based solutions.

Inspiration could come from two new gardens in Quarry Bay, which house over 260 native and exotic plant species.

Maintaining and expanding urban forests is not without challenges. The balance between development needs and environmental concerns as well as the costs of maintaining urban green spaces must be considered. Poorly planned measures can lead to higher carbon emissions and more attention should be paid to preserving the original landscape when planting urban trees.

Despite these challenges, the benefits of urban green spaces for Hong Kong are clear. By protecting and expanding its urban green spaces, Hong Kong can remain a thriving metropolis for generations to come.

Selina Yeung, Summer Intern, Civic Exchange

The city’s athletes deserve better packages

Hong Kong athletes achieved excellent results at the Paris Olympics – two gold and two bronze medals. The winners acknowledged the hard work of many other local athletes who rightly deserve praise.

However, many athletes are quickly forgotten despite qualifying for or competing in the Olympic Games or at the highest international level. In my view, anyone who gets to play sport on live television around the world is extremely admirable, regardless of whether they win a prize or not.

And yet, despite working full-time, some Hong Kong athletes only receive about HK$7,000 (US$898) a month in compensation – less than what some of the city’s worst paid workers While these athletes are provided with room and board, badminton player Lee Cheuk-yiu is one of those who recently called for a more attractive compensation package. Some athletes are also known to work part-time jobs to make ends meet.
Given that Hong Kong is one of the world’s most expensive citiesWho would choose a career in sports if it meant spending a lot of money on new clothes or other personal items?

The authorities should ensure that full-time athletes representing Hong Kong do not have to choose between sporting ambition and quality of life.

Jack Chung, Sham Shui Po

Can Kamala Harris meet the challenge?

US Vice President Kamala Harris had three candidates for her running mate, but decided on Tim Walzobviously the most ordinary one. Does he really have the charm to help her win the Midwest?

Harris’ choice seems to betray her weakness. She seems afraid of choosing someone of high caliber to replace her. Moreover, her strategy is not original. Instead of thinking outside the box, she seems to have copied her Republican rival Donald Trump by choosing a running mate with Midwestern appeal. Is this the way to demonstrate leadership?

But President Joe Biden also followed in Trump’s footsteps when it came to foreign trade. Apart from increasing the tariffs imposed by Trump, Biden did not have many new ideas.

The President of the United States bears responsibility not only for the country but also for the entire world. He or she must maintain world peace.

Because we live in a global village, we have expectations of the global leader, even if we are not eligible to vote. We do not care if the US president is a man or a woman, a Democrat or a Republican. But we can only be reassured if the most important post in the world is filled by a capable person.

Would Harris be able to show leadership or at least create an environment that promotes global harmony?

Lo Wai Kong, Tsuen Wan

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