
Urgent warning to dog owners about ‘flesh-eating’ disease as case numbers soar in UK

Urgent warning to dog owners about ‘flesh-eating’ disease as case numbers soar in UK

Dog owners in Nottingham have been given an urgent warning about the rise in cases of Alabama Rot, a ‘flesh-eating’ disease that shows no signs of improving. Vet Dr Corinne Wigfall from Petsure has given her expert advice on how to prevent the disease and how to quickly recognise its symptoms if you suspect your dog may be affected.

Dr Corinne Wigfall explains: “Alabama Rot causes blood clots to form in small blood vessels. It starts as skin lesions and can tragically lead to kidney failure in some dogs. With cases of Alabama Rot increasing in the UK, it is important to look out for the telltale signs. The disease can affect any dog, regardless of age or breed.”

She advises dog owners to be careful where they walk their pets. Although there is currently no confirmed research on how Alabama Rot occurs, some researchers suspect it could be caused by bacteria such as E.coli.

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Others report a link between dogs contracting the disease and recent exposure to muddy woodland areas. To minimize the risk, avoid letting your dog run around in wet, damp, and muddy environments. If your dog has been rolling around in the woods, wash and dry his coat thoroughly.

You can check current reports and avoid the areas most affected by Alabama Rot. Dr. Wigfall also recommends checking your dog daily. Because there is no solid knowledge about the disease, it is difficult to make specific prevention recommendations.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against Alabama Rot.

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