
Programming related to artificial intelligence

Programming related to artificial intelligence

The ever-evolving presence and role of AI in many areas of publishing will be the focus of several program events in Frankfurt.

At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2013. Image: FBM, Peter Hirth

By Porter Anderson, Editor in Chief | @Porter_Anderson

See also:
Frankfurt Book Fair 2024: Frankfurt Audio and The Arts+
Rights Edition: Frankfurt’s “Center of Words” 2024 in Hall 4.1
The International Publishers Association at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Frankfurt Book Fair and Bologna plan coordinated games areas

Early listings of events on the topic of Artificial Intelligence

TAnyone who is not a regular trade visitor to the Frankfurt Book Fair (16 to 20 October) is always amazed at how early those who Do Start each year by creating some sort of card for the week.

The “path to victory” that campaign strategists in the US are looking for these days is a list of the states and voting groups that their candidates must win in order to achieve the desired result in the US elections that follow Frankfurt on November 5 this year. For a publishing professional, the “path to victory” is figuring out how to fit the most important meetings and agenda items into the week in order to get the most out of the trip.

Many of the thousands who have registered for this year’s fair are already working on calendars, tables and diaries, planning their “route” and trying to estimate how long it will take them to sprint across the Agora from Hall 5.2 to Hall 3.1.

Programming is currently being finalized, dates are being announced and of course artificial intelligence and related topics will play a major role in many presentations, discussions and speeches.

Here are some of the program elements discovered so far where AI plays a role. All times given are of course CEST.

Frankfurt Wednesday16 October

  • 12:30 p.m..: Level 4.0
    Beyond the book: Setting the course for the future of science communicationorganized by Springer Nature
  • 1pm: International Stage between Halls 5.1 and 6.1
    Capitol x Creativity: Exploiting friction to drive innovation in publishingwith Nadim Sadek ( and Paula Groves (ImpactX Capital)

Frankfurt Thursday17 October

  • 10 O `clock.: Publishing Perspectives Forum in the Frankfurt Studio
    When it is “man-made”: A new AI rights platform
    Trip Adler, co-founder and CEO of Created by Humans in conversation with Publish perspectives
  • 14 o’clock: Frankfurt Studio
    Using AI for smarter publishing: strengthening integrity, addressing risks and setting standardsorganized by Wiley
  • 3 p.m: Frankfurt Studio
    Letting Licensing Bloom: The Root of Responsible AIorganized by the Copyright Clearance Center
On stage 4.0

At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015. Image: FBM, Alexander Heimann

International scientific publishers, providers of specialist information, Edtech players and publishing partners, including distributors, are represented in Hall 4.0 in Frankfurt.

A new Stage 4.0 (H104) offers these participants their own event area this year. Thematically, the stage is divided into the areas of marketing for scientific and educational publishers on October 16, publishing partners on October 17 and the library industry on October 18.

Selected events:

Frankfurt Wednesday16 October

  • 10 O `clock
    A presentation on marketing for academic and educational publishers with Bookmachine

Frankfurt Thursday17 October

  • 9:30 am: SSP & TSK Microconference
  • 2:30 p.m.: Growth opportunities in the digital business for general publishers

Frankfurt Friday,

  • 10 O `clock: Charleston Micro-Conference in cooperation with Publish perspectives

On Saturday and Sunday – when the trade fair is open to the public – the “Campus Weekend” will take place on Stage 4.0, with events for students and young professionals as well as events on popular science topics.

You can find more information from Publishing Perspectives about the Frankfurt Book Fair here, more about artificial intelligence and publishing here and more about this year’s Guest of Honour Italy in Frankfurt here.

About the author

Porter Anderson

on facebook. Þjórsárdalur

Porter Anderson was named International Trade Press Journalist of the Year at the London Book Fair’s International Excellence Awards. He is editor-in-chief of Publishing Perspectives. He was previously associate editor of The FutureBook at London’s The Bookseller. Anderson was a senior producer and anchor at, CNN International and CNN USA for more than a decade. He has worked as an arts critic (Fellow, National Critics Institute) for The Village Voice, the Dallas Times Herald and the Tampa Tribune, now the Tampa Bay Times. He co-founded The Hot Sheet, a newsletter for writers now owned and operated by Jane Friedman.

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