
Timothy Hutton’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for August 16, 2024

Timothy Hutton’s birthday astrology and your horoscope for August 16, 2024

BIRTHDAY STAR: Actor Timothy Hutton was born today in 1960 in Malibu, California. This birthday star won an Oscar in 1981 for his performance in “Ordinary Family.” His other film credits include roles in “The Good Shepherd,” “The Dark Half,” and “Taps.” On television, Hutton played Nathan Ford in “Leverage” from 2008 to 2012 and appeared in episodes of “SWAT,” “Almost Family,” and “How to Get Away with Murder.”

LION (July 23-August 22): Change can come with new rules. Your ability to listen to opposing views can improve your chances of success in new situations. Expanding your circle of friends can help you grow and thrive in a brave new world.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22): Understanding and compassion are admirable qualities, but be cautious when it comes to one-on-one negotiations and contract signings involving your finances, as there could be a costly hidden agenda that you don’t immediately notice.

SCALE (September 23-October 22): Face the facts and understand what fuels your fantasies. Be careful not to let your imagination or wishful thinking lead you astray. Be disciplined so you don’t disappoint your coworkers or partners by missing a deadline.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You might feel out of place at group activities or large gatherings, as some of the people you meet may not share many of your ideas. If you’re already in a committed relationship, some ups and downs shouldn’t be hard to overcome.

PROTECT (November 22 – December 21): The obligations you have with other people could be a blessing when new challenges arise. Honor those debts and appreciate what you have already received. Repairing relationships is harder than building them.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): Luck isn’t always on your side, so it’s OK to play it safe sometimes. Be extra careful with your spending and finances this weekend, and you may have more time and money to try out new hobbies.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18): You may be in the mood for excitement and be eager to prove that you are independent and dynamic. This could bring you into contact with groups of people who share your ideals or expose you to original ways of thinking.

FISH (February 19 – March 20): Confirmation bias means you may only notice things that support what you want to believe. Stop looking through filters and you can discover what’s in front of you. Life can be wonderful if you don’t try to find fault with it.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Make the most of your progress. Your diverse interests could give you the knowledge you need to successfully complete complex projects. Meanwhile, a loved one could have something special in store for you.

BULL (April 20-May 20): If you tackle a project with enthusiasm, you may quickly find that others are willing to help you. Rekindling an old friendship could remind you why you grew apart in the first place and open you up to new friends.

TWINS (May 21-June 20): While preparation may seem limiting, it may ultimately prove necessary. To get from point A to point B, you may need to have a plan or map in hand rather than just heading out carelessly and hoping for the best.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Remember, the best things in life are the simple things. You may donate to a good cause, but you may prefer to make more practical contributions. You may find that true friends will support you in any situation when you really need them.

IF AUGUST 16 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: You may be motivated by a desire to set a good example and gain recognition for your leadership skills over the next week or two. However, during the first half of September, you may be too insistent on going your own way and cause unnecessary friction with others. In October, your imagination may be heightened, so it may be a good time to take a trip abroad or enjoy inspiring views on a relaxing and romantic getaway. Your practical skills may be in overdrive in November, when you feel wiser about new projects, collaborations, and negotiations. In December, you may be tempted to break away from someone or something, but making changes may not be as feasible or productive as you’d like.


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