
Art with a Heart’s Heartworks program provides children with professional development

Art with a Heart’s Heartworks program provides children with professional development

BALTIMORE – A local nonprofit organization, Art with a Heart, says it is working tirelessly to create a job development program for young people in Baltimore.

They do this through their love of art and their five-week Heartworks program.

“It’s a way to be creative and share your ideas. I’ve been involved with art my whole life,” says Sharron Daniels, a student at Heartworks.

Nineteen-year-old Daniels’ summer days consist of pursuing her passion for art while preparing for the next chapter of her life: adulthood.

“They think they’re having fun, but in reality they’re creating art every day. They’re learning job skills and preparing for their future careers,” says Kristina Harlee, social enterprise manager at Art with the Heart.

Years ago, Harlee held these seats as a student in the Heartworks program.

“I learned little skills that I didn’t know I would need in the future because I think at that age you do a lot of passive things and think I’m not going to need this. But it actually helped me get a job here eight years later,” Harlee said.

Students learn how to build a resume, practice interviews, and conduct team-building exercises, all while engaging in artistic pursuits, because expressing themselves through their passion is the key to success.

“We spend a lot of time focusing on art as a form of expression. It makes me very sad that it is being banned from schools because a lot of young people need a way to express themselves. Often they have no one to talk to or they feel like the whole world is on their shoulders. I think art is a way to sit down, express yourself and relax,” said Harlee.

“It’s a great experience to get paid for just doing art. Not many people have that opportunity,” Daniels said.

Art with a Heart hosts Shop and Bop, an event where Heartwork students sell the artwork they have been working on for the past five months.

The open house and art sale will take place on August 16th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Art with a Heart.

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