
Harrah’s Metropolis – Back-to-school fundraiser for school supplies was a success

Harrah’s Metropolis – Back-to-school fundraiser for school supplies was a success

(WMOK) Metropolis, IL – The Harrah’s Metropolis school supply giveaway was held Thursday afternoon in Metropolis.

Harrah’s Metropolis has hosted the event annually for many years.

When organizer Chad Lewis recently came to WMOK to host our Coffee Break program, he told us the story of how it all began. The event began spontaneously about twenty years ago when Harrah’s employees held a school supply drive to help their coworkers with back-to-school expenses.

Initially, staff helped feed five or six children. After about four years, the supply drive turned into a staff competition to see who could bring the most supplies. Over time, the annual supply drive grew and staff began sharing supplies with the community. Now, the event feeds four to five hundred Massac County students annually.

Learn more about Chad Lewis’ School Supply Drive story below

After the event, Lewis advised on social media: “It’s like planning a wedding. You plan, you shop, you organize, you invite and then the big day comes and it’s all over in a flash.”

Lewis thanked all of the businesses, organizations, donors and volunteers who helped make this year’s back-to-school giveaway a success! With over $3,700 in items collected and donated, the group was able to purchase over 14,000 individual supplies this year!

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