
Erdogan celebrates 23rd anniversary of ruling AK Party with influx of new MPs

Erdogan celebrates 23rd anniversary of ruling AK Party with influx of new MPs

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), founded in 2001 under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, celebrated its 23rd anniversary on the political stage on Tuesday.

Erdogan delivered a speech at the ceremony marking his party’s 23rd anniversary at the AK Party Congress Center.

During the event, 13 new mayors and two new MPs are expected to join the AK Party.

2 MPs from the opposition Good Party

It has since become known that two MPs from the opposition Good Party joined the AK Party during the event.

The names of the two MPs who joined the AK Party are Istanbul Good Party MP Seyithan Issiz and Istanbul MP ​​Ahmet Ersagun Yucel.

“Today, we celebrate our 23rd anniversary with joy, pride and excitement. We mark this important milestone and declare that nothing will be the same again. Our deepest gratitude goes to our beloved nation. From the moment we left Pinarhisar, we were welcomed with unwavering support,” Erdogan noted.

Economic development during the rule of the AK Party

Referring to the economic development in Turkey during the AK Party’s rule, Erdogan said: “Despite the opposition’s attempts to take advantage of the situation, we have made significant progress in agriculture. Our agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) has increased from 37 billion rupees to an impressive 1.625 billion rupees.”

“The total production of our fields, vegetables and fruits has increased from 98 million tons to 137 million tons,” President Erdogan said.

In the meantime, the number of small and large livestock has grown from 251 million to around 375 million, he stressed.

“We have achieved an annual economic growth rate of 5.4%. While our real GDP continues to grow, per capita income has increased from $3,608 to $13,110,” the President added.

The President also stressed that Turkey had achieved “true economic independence” by paying off its $23.5 billion debt to the IMF.

Erdogan stressed that the number of employed insured persons had increased from 12 million to 25.212 million and noted that Turkey had put 14.230 million people to work through ISKUR.

“In addition, we have implemented wage increases above the inflation rate in all income groups,” he stressed.

The President also criticized the fact that those who call themselves social democrats only talk about the principle of the “welfare state.”

“We made it a reality by becoming the voice of the voiceless,” he concluded.

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