close | Green Santa Clarita offers tips to reduce Santa Clara River pollution | Green Santa Clarita offers tips to reduce Santa Clara River pollution

Did you know that water can carry virtually any pollutant it comes into contact with? Rain, sprinklers, or water from a hose can carry trash, chemicals, and other pollutants through the City of Santa Clarita’s sewer system and into the Santa Clara River!

Pesticides are a special type of pollutant found in ant sprays or lawn granules and are found in large quantities in our waterways. Pesticides can potentially contaminate drinking water and affect people, pets and the environment.

Help prevent pollution by keeping ant spray out of our waterways! Follow these “integrated pest management” techniques to reduce pollution in our Santa Clara River:

Prevent infestation:

Prevent ants from entering your home by cleaning up leftover food and dirty dishes. Close all entry points for ants by sealing openings at baseboards and around pipes. Keep landscaping clean and free of weeds and debris.

Keep your home clean

Use safe alternatives:

If ants make it into your home, start by using non-toxic alternatives like soap and water or white vinegar. Spray the line of ants with your chosen product, wipe down with a sponge, and their scent trail will be erased!

If you need to use pesticides:

If you must use a pesticide, please read and follow the directions. “Spot apply” rather than spraying large areas.

Prevent drainage:

Most importantly, don’t wash away freshly applied pesticides. Whether with a garden hose, sprinklers, or rain, make sure pesticides aren’t washed away from your garden so they can be effective. Don’t apply them just before rain or just before turning on the sprinkler system.

For more helpful tips on how to avoid pollution and other useful information, visit

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