
Meet three creative teams at the “Perfect Crime Party” • AIPT

Meet three creative teams at the “Perfect Crime Party” • AIPT

Today, AIPT is pleased to introduce three of the creative teams working on Perfect Crime Party, a 300+ page, full-color anthology featuring 25 lighthearted tales of criminal activity from over 40 incredible authors, with a cover by Jeff Smith (Bone). Check out the project on Backerkit today!

These teams include Chris Sebela & Kendall Goode, Nick Mamatas & Jules Valera and Henry Barajas & Kit Mills!

Listen to the latest episode of our weekly comic podcast!

Read each creative team’s thoughts on their stories below!

EXCLUSIVE: Meet three creative teams at the “Perfect Crime Party”

– Swiped sideways by Chris Sebela & Kendall Goode – A jerk finds out his first date was a trap.

  • Kendall Goode: “Sideswiped is about how easily you can be manipulated by someone who is feigning mutual attraction. More specifically, a master criminal takes advantage of a few lonely guys through various dating apps. It shows how crime novels are constantly changing with technological advances. Always being ‘online’ allows for many new ways to take advantage of people or become a victim yourself.”

The 21-foot rule by Nick Mamatas & Jules Valera – A false and deadly duel turns out not to be so wrong after all.

  • Nick Mamatas:

    “The 21-foot rule,” the rule, is a somewhat dubious claim that a knife-wielding person within 21 feet of an armed person can walk up and stab the shooter before the shooter can fire a shot and stop the stabber. Frankly, it is used to justify police shootings of unarmed civilians.”

    “The Twenty-One Foot Rule,” the story, is a noir about two teenage sisters who test the proposition for equally dubious reasons. It first appeared in prose in the first issue of the crime magazine Dark Yonder.”

    “The Twenty-One Foot Rule,” the comic, is a slightly less grim and slightly livelier version of the story, brought to life thanks to Jules Valera’s amazing art and letters. It was a challenge to turn into a screenplay, but it was exciting to see it on the page.”

  • Jules Valera: “Who hasn’t dreamed of fighting a sibling to the death? Even better when it’s a real battle of wits – to the death? That’s what I thought when I first read Nick Mamatas’ brilliant short story ‘The Twenty-One Foot Rule’, and it was a pleasure to translate the lively wit of his clever screenplay adaptation into the comic version.”

Joke theft by Henry Barajas & Kit Mills – A prank thief makes the perfect set.

  • Henry Barajas: “One of the most under-reported crimes is joke theft. If it were a crime, we’d have overcrowded prisons full of horrible open micers and Dane Cook – and thank God we don’t! But working with the incredible Kit Mills on our story was one of the most fun experiences I’ve had in making comics.”
  • Kit Mills: “Rusty Nails isn’t funny enough to be a stand-up comedian. Luckily, he has Sherry to help him. The thing is… Sherry doesn’t know she’s helping him, and she never will. Joke Theft is a story about robbing people in pursuit of laughs, no matter the cost.”

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