
The Bookseller – Rights – Cambridge University Press signs Living with Jane Austen to mark the novelist’s 250th birthday

The Bookseller – Rights – Cambridge University Press signs Living with Jane Austen to mark the novelist’s 250th birthday

Cambridge University Press publishes A new book on the evolving significance of Jane Austen through Austen Scholar Professor Janet Todd on the occasion of the 250thth Anniversary of of the novelist birth in 2025.

Bethany Thomas, Literary publisher at Cambridge University Press, acquired Worldwide rights, including digital, direct from the author. The book is published In march 2025.

Living with Jane Austen covers a career issued research, write and think about it Austen, Why the author is important to us today, And How our understanding of their work changed at various cultural moments.

Cambridge University Press will also start The Cambridge Jane Austenedited by Todd, a new collector’s edition of Austen’s six novels, plus volumes of her childhood writings and later manuscripts. The deluxe volumes include new forewords and contextual notes by Todd.

Thomas said: “Was pleased To publish Janet’s moving and thoughtful half-memoir, reflecting on a life with Austen and what her works might mean for us today, together with a new collector’s edition of the complete works for the anniversary next year. Together, the books will enable readers to delve into Jane Austen’s world and reconsider their work with one of the best possible guides.”

Todd said: “In 1975 I came to England from the USA to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s birth. I am I am now delighted to celebrate the 250th anniversary by publishing a new edition and writing Living with Jane Austen about 50 years of research into this most wonderful and chameleon-like of all authors.”

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