(Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News)
Steve Kroschel’s wildlife facility has been closed to the public since August 4, when his operating license from the U.S. Department of Agriculture expired.
Great: Steve Kroschel calls his moose, Duck Moses, to Mosquito Lake for a quick snack on August 6, 2024. Kroschel owns and operates the Kroschel Films Wildlife Center, which is home to about 60 animals, including this moose.
Second row: (left) A pile of bones labeled “Raven’s Toys” at the Kroschel Films Wildlife Center. (center) Steve Kroschel feeds his small herd of domesticated caribou. (right) (Rashah McChesney) A red fox yawns in an enclosure at Steve Kroschel’s Wildlife Center.
Third row: (left) Signs like this one are found throughout Steve Kroschel’s Wildlife Center, a tongue-in-cheek reference to the government regulations he must follow at the facility. (center) The bathroom facilities at Kroschel Films Wildlife Center. (right) Steve Kroschel unrolls a fencing tape he says he was ordered by the state to put up around one of his fox enclosures to keep people at an appropriate distance.
Below: Steve Kroschel points to the signs at the entrance gate of his wildlife center on August 6, 2024.
(Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News)
Great: Amy Kane works with molten glass under the supervision of instructor Ed Schmid as Charlene “Chuck” Jones and Brynn Murphy watch during a class at a studio in Viking Cove in Mud Bay in the Chilkat Valley on April 12, 2024.
Second row: (left) Ed Schmid helps Charlene “Chuck” Jones handle molten glass during a glassblowing class. (right) Ed Schmid teaches a glassblowing class.
(Courtesy of Tom Ganner)
A female brown bear cub, nicknamed “Zulu” by some Chilkat Valley residents, was euthanized by a state park ranger after a series of incidents in Chilkoot State Park. The cub, shown here on August 3, 2024, is related to a popular Chilkoot bear named Speedy, who had 8 cubs in his 15-year life.
(Francisco Martínezcuello/Chilkat Valley News)
Top and bottom left: Gabriel Hallmark, summer intern at the American Bald Eagle Foundation, holds Ahsoka, a western Siberian eagle owl who is a new addition to the American Bald Eagle Foundation in Haines.
Bottom right: Ahsoka, a West Siberian eagle owl, is a new addition to the American Bald Eagle Foundation in Haines.
(Rashah McChesney/Chilkat Valley News)
Great: Kelly Calver and her husband Ray Calver fish near the mouth of the Chilkoot River in Haines on August 5, 2024. The two came from Skagway and said it was a calm day.
Second row: (left) Mandy Reigle sets a halibut ray near Haines on August 3. (right) A commercial fisherman takes up a net in Lutak Inlet near Haines on August 9, 2024.