
4 reasons for the constant desire for sweets or sugar cravings

4 reasons for the constant desire for sweets or sugar cravings

YOGYAKARTA The desire to eat sweet foods is constantly referred to as sugar consumption. Usually, it is not dangerous in certain amounts if blood sugar levels are normal. But apparently, the reason for sugar consumption is determined by a number of factors. Starting from stress, treatments, hormonal imbalance and certain health conditions. Read the following explanation in full.

In the journal Appetite, a study of The Phenomenology of Food Crawls: The Role of Mental Imagery shows that appetite may be driven by memories rather than physical cues. Do you want to eat sweet and delicious foods when you remember the warm family atmosphere, parties, holidays, or other social events? If you want to eat an apple crunch baked by your mother, you may be craving family gatherings when you eat.

Good memories can be a positive booster, but they can become a bad habit if not recognized and controlled. As VeryWellMind reveals on Wednesday, August 14, sugar consumption can also be caused by boredom because of the simple nature of eating every day. Or it could be due to the habit of eating desserts or after-dinner treats.

Illustration of the cause of persistent cravings for sweets or sugar consumption (Freepik)

Another study found that the prefrontal cortex of the brain is activated when a person has a reduced appetite, especially for sweet foods and carbohydrates. However, another area of ​​the brain, namely the hypocampus, works with different mechanisms when the person is stressed, depressed or traumatized, so eating habits change and they may like foods that are considered comforting, although in uncontrolled portions they become a bad habit.

One theory explains the role of the hormone serotonin when you have an appetite. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter needed to regulate mood. Researchers believe that a serotonin imbalance in the brain contributes to the development of depression. According to a study published in the journal Nutrition, people who have cravings for carbohydrates and sweets usually reach for foods that promote the production of serotonin.

One way to deal with sugarvating due to the imbalance of the hormone serotonin is to eat foods that contain a lot of tryptofans. Such as seafood, eggs and poultry meat. The reason for this is because research has shown that a lack of tryptofans in the body increases hunger and stimulates appetite and contributes to the symptoms of depression. You can also consume fruits, granola bars or yogurt as healthier sweet foods.

Women also experience hormonal fluctuations during their menstrual cycle. They usually tend to eat sweets before and during menstruation because estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate.

In some cases, craving chocolate may be a sign that you are not getting enough magnesium in your diet. However, chocolate is not the only food that contains magnesium. There are more varied substitutes, such as nuts and pods. Dark chocolate may be a better choice as it is rich in flavonoids and antioxidants and has positive health effects.

Here’s how to overcome constant cravings for sweets or sugar consumption: First, pay attention to the foods you want to eat. If possible, switch to healthier foods that are good for you. Second, stay active, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy.

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