
She wants to break up with her boyfriend because he didn’t do anything to celebrate her birthday except text her – Chip Chick

She wants to break up with her boyfriend because he didn’t do anything to celebrate her birthday except text her – Chip Chick

As someone who loves birthdays, I know that the worst thing someone you love can do is forget your birthday or, worse, know about it but don’t celebrate it in any way.

A woman is ready to break up with her boyfriend after he did nothing for her birthday party except send her a cold-blooded text message that morning.

She is 29 and has been with her 33-year-old boyfriend for a year.

They live separately and are often busy, have children from previous relationships and work full-time.

She is attending nursing school in addition to her job, and her boyfriend works full time while sharing custody of his two children with his ex.

Because of their hectic schedules, they sometimes find it difficult to bond as a couple and arguments arise, usually due to stress.

Her boyfriend is in therapy to process his feelings, and she is trying to learn to stand up for herself when he has emotional outbursts.

Although she has overcome several conflicts with her boyfriend, the most recent conflict has convinced her that the relationship is over.

She recently celebrated her birthday, but unfortunately the day was anything but a holiday.

fizkes – – for illustration purposes only, not the actual person

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