
Everything seen in the set photos…including who is wearing the Thing’s “suit”

Everything seen in the set photos…including who is wearing the Thing’s “suit”

Marvel Studios’ long-awaited reboot of the Fantastic Four Franchise with the title The Fantastic Four: First Stepsis finally coming to theaters next summer. First announced at Comic-Con 2019, fans of Marvel’s First Family have been waiting a long time for it.

An impressive cast has now been assembled for a film that is likely to have a major impact on the entire MCU as we look forward to the next avenger Films. Production recently began in the UK and brought with it a first wave of surprisingly revealing set photos.

By far the biggest talking point so far is, of course, our first look at The Thing. In this feature, we’re sharing a new shot of this practical costume (confirming there’s actually someone wearing the suit) after looking at everything else we’ve spotted over the past few weeks.

You can check out this amazing feature by clicking the “Next” “View List” buttons below.

5. Sue Storm and Franklin Richards

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Vanessa Kirby’s Invisible Woman was spotted from afar holding a baby that many fans are convinced is young Franklin Richards, but one overlooked possibility is that it is his sister Valeria.

Given what we’ve heard about Galactus wanting Franklin (perhaps due to his ability to warp reality and create new dimensions), it makes more sense that he’s a child and not a baby when we first meet Marvel’s First Family in the MCU.

Doesn’t matter, Photos and footage showed Sue seemingly lying with her child while floating in the air. Without context, it was impossible to tell what was happening, but it must have been Franklin or Valeria.

Given the ongoing incursions and the threat to the multiverse, the former could be the key to Avengers: Endgame And Avengers: Secret Wars.

4. NY❤️FF

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Marvel Studios hasn’t really explored the “celebrity side” of superhero culture in the MCU, and unlike the Avengers and X-Men, the Fantastic Four in the comics tend to be popular with general audiences.

A set discovered from afar unveiled an artistic statue The resulting image shows all four team members.

The leaked trailer suggested that the heroes are public figures, with The Thing appearing on a dating show and Reed Richards hosting what appeared to be an educational TV show of his own. With that in mind, it’s no great surprise that a statue was dedicated to the four.

Since the initial revelation, there has been much speculation that Alicia Masters, Ben Grimm’s blind lover and a talented sculptor, could be the artist responsible for the creation.

3. The Excelsior launch pad

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At Comic-Con, Marvel Studios distributed maps of New York City showing that the Excelsior Launch Pad was located right next to the Baxter Building.

Surprisingly, a complete practical version of this huge set has been built, suggesting that it will play a significant role in the film (normally we would expect a space like this to be expanded and equipped with visual effects).

The team’s logo is front and center, so it’s pretty certain that we’ll see them here taking off in the Fantasticar or even in a rocket that transports them into the cosmos to face Galactus.

If you’re curious and want to know what else is on the map – including a big preview of the Mole Man – then You can check it by clicking here..

2. Times Square and a reference to WandaVision

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The Fantastic Four: First Steps takes place in a parallel reality and a New York City that, even in the 1960s, was far superior to today’s Big Apple.

Footage from the set hints at that, but still maintains a retro aesthetic that will make this film unlike anything we’ve seen in the MCU so far. It’s a bold move, and we wonder how the heroes on Earth-616 will fit in.

While time (no pun intended) will tell, we have to wait for a rather brilliant allusion to WandaVision. Director Matt Shakman previously worked on the critically acclaimed Disney+ series and there is a shop on set called “Westview Appliances Television”.

All characters also show to visit Ben Grimm’s old stomping grounds: Yancy St.!

1. The Thing

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Speaking of Ever-Lovin’ Blue-Eyed Thing, last night We got a first look with the character on The Fantastic Four: First Steps Sentence.

We expected him to be a completely computer-generated creation. Instead, a practical suit is used, similar to the 2005 and 2007 films in which Michael Chiklis played the character. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the version we see on screen next year will be 100% practical.

It’s quite possible that Marvel Studios is using this Thing suit as a reference for other actors and to help VFX artists light the character so that he looks just as incredible on screen as Hulk and Thanos.

Honestly, we’re a little shocked that Ebon Moss-Bachrach isn’t the only one in the mo-cap suit, and a newly surfaced image has confirmed that it’s a body double or stunt performer wearing the suit. However, Marvel Studios knows what it’s doing, and there’s surely a good reason for this practical thing…

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