
National parks in the United States receive the largest donation in their history

National parks in the United States receive the largest donation in their history

The National Park Foundation announced Monday that it will receive a record-breaking donation of $100 million from the Lilly Endowment Inc. This is not only the largest donation the NPF has ever received, but also the largest donation to benefit national parks.

Lilly Endowment is an Indiana-based philanthropic foundation that also donated $100 million in grants to the United Negro College Fund and Purdue University this calendar year. The founding family comes from the pharmaceutical industry, but this is a separate organization.

“Our founders were inspired by the beauty and wonder of the natural world and supported research and education programs about archaeology and our nation’s cultural history,” said N. Clay Robbins, the company’s chairman and CEO. “So we are pleased to support their interests through this grant. We believe the National Park Foundation’s campaign will enhance the programs and promote the future vitality of our nation’s wonderful system of parks, monuments and historic sites.”

The NPF has listed four specific areas in which the funds should flow:

The grant is part of the NPF’s current $1 billion fundraising campaign called The campaign for national parks.

National parks have become increasingly popular in recent years and overcrowding is a problem. So much so that some are opting for a reservation system.

While increasing traffic is always the goal, it also increases the need for additional resources to maintain and improve the experience for each individual guest.

This generous support from Lilly Endowment is a nice step in the right direction.

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