
Green Bay students battle the heat as NFL Draft means early start to school for some

Green Bay students battle the heat as NFL Draft means early start to school for some

GREEN BAY, Wis. (WBAY) – It’s the first day of school and the heat is definitely being felt. The district has issued guidelines in case the heat index reaches 90 degrees or higher. The heat isn’t dampening students’ enthusiasm, though.

Many students in Green Bay are nervous about learning on the first day. As we reported, the Green Bay School District has applied for a waiver from the state Department of Public Instruction to start early and give students the week of the April draft off.

Aldo Leopold students return on Monday, battling through triple-digit heat index. Many bring water and put on layers of clothing. For some students and parents, it’s their first day of school ever.

“I got shorts and a T-shirt,” said first-grader Osias Kananen.

“I’m wearing denim shorts and this is my jacket, but underneath I’m wearing a T-shirt,” said kindergarten student Edelle Kananen.

“I’ll probably throw water on my face,” said first-grader Ailani Feather.

Parents also have some good ideas to remind their children that they can achieve great things.

“We got her bracelets so she can hold on to them and remember Mom and Dad when she gets nervous,” says Teena Wysocki, whose daughter Eva goes to kindergarten.

Parents tell Action 2 News that they experience these ups and downs too.

“Happy and sad. I’m sad because she’ll be gone all day, but I’m so happy that she’s starting a new chapter in her life,” Teena said.

It can be bittersweet.

With more students in Green Bay beginning their first day of school this week, drivers are reminded to pay attention and slow down in school zones.

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