
Guy refuses to host friends at his girlfriend’s house because he hates her decor

Guy refuses to host friends at his girlfriend’s house because he hates her decor

Although everyone should decorate their home according to their taste, our interior design influences the way we live – and can even lead to a break in our relationships. A typical example: A guy on Reddit asked, “Am I the asshole if I tell my girlfriend that her interior design is the reason I won’t be hosting a work party at her place?” Naturally, thousands of people chimed in and gave their opinion on the interior design dilemma. The verdict? Yes.

The Reddit user explained that he works in finance, which means “appearance and first impressions are important,” and that it was his turn to host a party for his coworkers. The problem was that his apartment was under construction, so he was staying at his girlfriend’s apartment. She offered to host the party at her place. He declined and decided not to take his turn as host. When she asked why, he said, “Your apartment decor is weird and not something a grown woman would have.”

Although he noted that “much of their interior design and furnishings are fine,” he listed a few details that he finds bizarre. One striking feature is a wall covered with framed, taxidermied insects – not butterflies or moths, but tarantulas, beetles and large stick insects. Another wall he doesn’t like is devoted to animation, with Futurama-themed articles and “etchings by a weird triangle guy.” Her bathroom features a twist on the usual sea theme. “Instead of starfish or seashells, she has a little nightlight with an anglerfish, a small painting of a vampire squid, and then a framed diagram of what appears to be a goblin shark right next to the toilet,” he wrote.

He added that he avoids bringing people to see her, especially people from work, “because it looks so childish.” He continued: “Everyone is impressed when they see the high-rise, but that quickly fades once you’re inside. I once brought a work colleague with me and he told me afterwards that he found her insect wall terrifying.”

The overwhelming majority of respondents felt he was in the wrong in this scenario, with one person writing, “It’s fine if you think the atmosphere in their apartment isn’t appropriate for a work event, but YTA (you’re the asshole) if you go out with someone you actually don’t like and then expect them to tone it down so your coworkers don’t swoon.”

Another added: “You don’t have to bring your coworkers, but if you find yourself looking down on your girlfriend for having so many interests and caring so little, maybe you shouldn’t be with her.”

“You don’t really love her,” another Redditor stated. “If you did love her, you would be delighted with these AMAZING examples of her weirdness. She sounds Great.”

Many pointed out that their decor is simply their choice. One user wrote, “Why not decorate your home with things you love? That’s one of the best things about having your own place: you can put whatever you want in it.”

The people on the internet have spoken! They think couples who are not at least Respecting each other’s taste in interior design should not be mutually exclusive and we must agree on this.

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