
The best gifts for Celine in Fields of Mistria

The best gifts for Celine in Fields of Mistria

In Fields of Mistriayou accept an offer to run a farm in a small town recently devastated by an earthquake. While your initial goal is to help them rebuild their home, you might expect more. From solving the mine mystery to getting to know your neighbors, there’s a lot to love about Mistria.


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Falling in love is a wonderful thing and if you find someone you care about in Mistria, you can make them have a romantic relationship. Celine is one of the first people you meet and she is as gentle and beautiful as the flowers she loves. We will help you win her heart!

Fields of Mistria is currently in Early Access, so details are subject to change. We’ll update our guides as needed!

Best Gifts for Celine







Part-time worker in a general store


Holt (father)

Nora (mother)

Dell (sister)

Celine is one of the first people you will meet in Mistria and the best way to get to know her is talk to her daily and give her a gift. She is a neighbour nearby, her house is is located directly north of your farmWhen she is not at home, she is often found Helping out in the general store.

The shop belongs to her parents, and Celine is very close to her family. You can also find Celine Playing dragons and drama on Friday nights at the inn, so be sure to visit them there if you can.

As an enthusiastic gardener Celine loves flowers. She has her favorites, but if you ever need gift ideas, just pick the first flower you see and give it to her. Be warned, Avoid giving her caterpillars at any cost – she can’t stand them because they would eat her whole garden!

Celine’s beloved gifts

  • Crystal Rose
  • Frost lily
  • hydrangea
  • Medium fog
  • Plus Blossom
  • rose
  • Snowdrop Anemone
  • Spring Galette

Celine’s favorite gifts

  • Catnip
  • Celosia
  • chrysanthemum
  • cosmos
  • crocus
  • daffodil
  • daisy
  • Dandelion
  • Heather
  • iris
  • jasmine
  • Purple
  • Marigold
  • Poinsettia
  • Flower tea
  • Snapdragon
  • Spring salad
  • Sunflower
  • tulip
  • viola

Celine’s unpopular gifts

Celine’s hated gift

Celine’s Heart Events

Fields of Mistria Celine flatters a shade flower.

As you develop your relationship with Celine, you will unlock more hearts with her. These can be tracked in your diary. Every two hearts a new event is unlocked and you can Progress with your personal line of quests.

You will Receive notification by email that Celine wants to see you and the meeting point. Head there to spend time with her. Below are all of Celine’s available heart events.

At this time, only two heart events are available!

Celine’s Two-Hearts Event

As soon as you have reached two hearts with Celine, she will send you a letter. This is where the quest begins. The unusual seedand you must Meet her in her hut directly north of your farm.

When you arrive, Celine tell you all about her favorite flower from childhood, and you will go on expedition to find it. Below are your dialogue options for this event.


Answer options

“It’s incredible that Mistria had such a unique variety of flowers! Belle, have you ever seen these before?”

“No, but it’s really pretty!”

“I don’t, but we could try asking Balor.”

“But I’ve never seen it since. Maybe I should look for seeds in the area…”

“Good idea, why don’t we go now?”

“Sounds like an adventure, let’s go!”

“I have never seen a seed like this before! Could this be the seed of the flower I was looking for?”

“There’s only one way to find out!”

“I have a good feeling!”

While Your decisions will not play a major role in this heart eventit is a good idea be supportive and encouraging. Since Celine was looking for this flower, help her and get your hands dirty in the ruins.

Celine’s Four Hearts Event

Once you have reached four hearts, Celine send you another letter and asks you to visit her hut again. This begins the quest, Water and soilwhere you help Celine collect seeds that you both found last time.

Although Celine has some ideas on how to deal with it, the book she has needs to be translated. She can understand most of it, but you have to help her fill in the gaps. Below are the dialog options for the event.


Answer options

“But there seem to be other, very special conditions. Oh, I’m just not sure!”

“Okay, let’s start with what we know.”

“Nobody knows more about this seed than you!”

“It’s my own special blend!”

“Let’s just add a pinch and go from there.”

“The more fertilizer, the better!”

“The book doesn’t help me, I can’t translate this word here. Can you tell me what you think it says?”

“Looks like we just wanted to moisten the ground…”

“Looks like it wants us to delete it!”


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