
Colorado Republicans appoint Colorado Springs man as new chairman

Colorado Republicans appoint Colorado Springs man as new chairman

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado (KKTV) – Eli Bremer says his goal is to get the Republican Party back on track by Election Day and support the party candidates to the best of his ability.

“It’s a huge task. The party is not in very good shape at the moment,” Bremer said. “It has been pretty poorly managed, but in the first 24 hours we have already made tremendous progress and I look forward to getting us back on track.”

Earlier this year, Dave Williams of the Republican Party sent emails containing phrases such as “God hates flags” and “God hates pride…” Shortly thereafter, the party called on then-chairman Dave Williams to resign.

When Williams did not resign, the party held several meetings and voted to fire him over the weekend. Now the party will nominate Eli Bremer as its leader for November.

“We’re going to fix the party and get through this election. We’re going to fix everything. I’m going to come in and fix the systems, help our candidates and get us back on track,” Bremer said.

11 News reached out to Dave Williams on Sunday about these comments. In response to Bremer’s remark that the party was poorly run, he responded, “There is no new leader,” and then called the meeting “illegitimate.”

“He’s just trying to stay in power. He has done nothing to help our Republican candidates get elected,” Bremer said.

11 News reached out to El Paso County Democrats about this move and they described it as interesting, saying:

“His record suggests that the Republicans’ typical, hackneyed culture war message will continue under his leadership…”

Then he later said:

“We continue to hope that Eli Bremer will use this opportunity to turn away from these harmful culture wars and instead focus on issues and policies that actually benefit the people of Colorado.”

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