
Italian political party publishes blacklist of Jews and Israel supporters

Italian political party publishes blacklist of Jews and Israel supporters

A major controversy erupted in Italy after the country’s “New Communist Party” published a list of Jews, Israelis and Italian citizens – including politicians, journalists, intellectuals and businessmen – and called them “Zionist agents in the country who must be condemned and fought” because of their alleged support and collaboration with Israel.

Although this radical left-wing party is considered marginal in Italy’s political landscape, the incident provoked widespread reactions and led to extensive coverage in the Italian media.

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הפגנה פרו פלסטינית במילאנו, איטליההפגנה פרו פלסטינית במילאנו, איטליה

Pro-Palestinian protests in Italy

(Author: Piero Cruciatti/ AFP)

The list, titled “Zionist organizations and agents in Italy,” contains over 150 names divided into different sections. The first section lists companies and individuals from the financial sector. The second category includes companies and personalities from the industrial and commercial sectors, including companies such as ICL, Ahava, Electra and SodaStream. Another group highlights names from the real estate and investment sector, while another category names Israeli companies from the technology and military sectors such as Elbit. The list then takes a more personal and controversial turn.

In a section entitled “Zionists in political parties or representatives of public organizations that actively support the Zionist State of Israel,” the list includes prominent figures such as former journalist and current politician Ester Mieli, former Italian ambassador to Israel Luigi Mattiolo, and former president of the Jewish community of Rome Riccardo Pacifici, among others.

The seventh category is aimed at what the party calls “Zionists in the media and cultural circles who support or promote the Zionist state in Italy.” The list includes a long list of well-known public figures. They include numerous journalists such as Maurizio Molinari, who has been repeatedly attacked in recent months for his Jewish and pro-Israel beliefs, and Emanuela Dviri, an Israeli-Italian journalist and mother of Yoni Dviri, an Israeli soldier killed in Lebanon, which led her to join the “Four Mothers” movement. The list also includes the president of the Jewish community of Italy, Noemi Di Segni, as well as the chief rabbi of the Jewish community of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni, and a number of other Jewish rabbis and journalists.

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Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

(Photo: Evan Vucci)

Italy’s New Communist Party defended the list, claiming it was created in response to a “smear campaign” against Chief Rubio, a prominent figure who has been making headlines with his harsh anti-Semitic and anti-Israel statements since October 7. Chief Rubio – whose real name is Gabriele Rubini – is known for his extreme anti-Israel views and support for the Palestinians, and was recently ordered by an Italian court to remove inflammatory posts against Jews and Israel from his social media and pay a hefty fine for each post not deleted.

The publication of the blacklist met with almost universal rejection across the Italian political spectrum and in the local media. The ruling party, the right-wing nationalist Brothers of Italy, called on left-wing parties to unequivocally condemn the law. The center-left Democratic Party called for a parliamentary investigation.

“In recent hours, an anti-Semitic organization calling itself the New Communist Party has circulated a blacklist targeting individuals, organizations and companies that they believe should be targeted and boycotted because of their links with Israel and the Jewish world. This is another in a long line of anti-Semitic actions that recall a very dark period in the history of Europe. We express our support and solidarity with all those involved,” said several Democratic Party parliamentarians.

Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano expressed solidarity with the Jewish community and those named on the list. “In our society there is no place for any act of intolerance or for any violation of freedom of expression and thought,” he said. Italian Senate President Ignazio La Russa, a right-wing nationalist, added: “It is deeply disturbing that the Communist Party has published on its website a list of politicians, journalists and businessmen ‘guilty’ of supporting Israel. This is a serious and unacceptable act, a violation of freedom of thought and a worrying threat to the personal safety of those named.”

The Jewish community in Rome also strongly condemned the list, saying: “This blacklist is another alarming sign of the resurgence of anti-Semitism, which is growing ever stronger and louder, and of the increasing threat that comes with it.”

Like other European countries, Italy has seen a sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents since October 7. These include rampant hate speech on social media and numerous violent protests, especially by radical left-wing movements and student organizations, which have turned violent at universities across the country. Incidents have included attacks on Jewish journalists, vandalism at fairs selling Israeli goods and even at a major book fair, but also acts of violence by the far-right.

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