
US flesh-eating zombie drug now on British streets, sparking fears of ‘public health threat’

US flesh-eating zombie drug now on British streets, sparking fears of ‘public health threat’

A flesh-eating zombie drug has reportedly appeared on Britain’s streets, sparking growing fears of a “public health threat”. Researchers also discovered cases in Scotland last year.

The drug Tranq, believed to be a powerful animal tranquilizer called xylazine, is notorious in the United States for leaving its users with painful contortions that leave them on the streets like living zombies, and for causing flesh-rotting wounds that can lead to suffocation. The mirror reported on the terrible effects earlier this week.

This deadly substance has already been linked to at least one death in the UK, and possibly several more. In most cases, the drug is mixed with powerful opioids such as heroin, but it has also been found in counterfeit prescription drugs, cannabis vaporizers and cocaine.

A recent study published in the journal Addiction described a number of worrying side effects, including respiratory impairment and ulcers that may require amputation. Researchers at Kings College London stressed that xylazine is a major problem in the United States and that this “public health threat has now reached the United Kingdom.”

Lead author Dr Caroline Copeland said: “We now know that xylazine has entered the illicit drug market in the UK. This is a cause for concern as a far larger number of drug users than heroin users will be exposed to the dangers of the drug.”

The substance in question was first discovered in the UK when experts from the National Programme on Substance Abuse Deaths noticed an unusual increase in test results and this substance was later identified as xylazine.

By analyzing multiple toxicology reports, drug tests, and seizures, researchers discovered 35 cases of xylazine circulating in England, Scotland, and Wales in August 2023. However, no such case was reported in Northern Ireland.

Specific data on 16 samples collected in various toxicology laboratories have been published. The drug was detected in 16 people, eleven of whom tragically died.

Dr Copeland, the head of NPSAD, said xylazine was not usually included in standard drug screening. She said: “How big is the xylazine problem in the UK? This could be the tip of a growing iceberg.”

“There are three simple actions the UK can take to prevent the xylazine epidemic that has erupted in the US. Test strips for xylazine should be made available, healthcare providers must be aware of the signs that chronic skin ulcers are due to xylazine use, and pathologists and forensic pathologists must specifically request toxicology testing for xylazine in relevant cases to understand the true prevalence of the drug.”

Kristen Schmidt, a drug counsellor in Philadelphia, added: “If Britain can learn anything from Philly, it is to act quickly.”

A British government spokesman then said: “We intend to make xylazine a Class C drug. This means that anyone selling this substance could face a prison sentence of up to 14 years, a fine or both.”

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